Why Businesses Need Market Intelligence in their Marketing Activities


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In today’s industrial competition, having a competitive advantage is the only way a business may be able to keep in touch with realities in the market. The number of organizations in the industry is increasing, which means that companies have to fight for the available limited customers so that they can remain relevant in the market. As such, businesses are turning to market intelligence as a unique way of trying to have a comprehensive understanding of what is happening in the market.

What Is Market Intelligence?

Every company wants to have an edge in the marketing operations within the company and the prevailing aspects of the external environment of the business. Having a deep insight into internal and external marketing trends helps a business to be in a position to make a sound marketing decision, which is an effective operational strategy.

Using public data, internal marketing date, and conducting comparable surveys to understand the position of a business concerning other organizations in the same market is known as market intelligence. It is similar to market research, and it is highly known for offering businesses a considerable number of benefits, as discussed below.

Improving Marketing Efficiency

In every marketing strategy adopted by any organization, there are considerable challenges that affect efficiency and effectiveness. Any intelligence information on the marketing activities offers insight on operational efficiency while at the same time identifying gaps that need to be fixed so that the marketing strategy can have an impact on the market. The ability to fix all the gaps in the marketing strategy is very critical in driving consistency and proactive response across the activities of the company.

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Enhancing Agility

To dominate the market, a business has to be agile in its operational activities. Companies that are agile enough are known to have a competitive advantage because they are ahead of the curve when it comes to organization competition. This explains why having an insight into the market is essential as it helps organizations to be proactive rather than reactive to the happenings in the market. With actionable intelligence, companies can formulate and take advantage of marketing opportunities while competitors lag.

Increasing Sales Opportunities

Every business wants to increase sales so that it can have huge returns in its operations. However, increasing sales is not a straightforward business operation. Organizations are always conflicted on the need to understand the market in a better way so that they can increase their sales. However, with intelligence-based marketing technique, it is possible for the business to increase sales because it has insight into the products specific customers need.

Enhanced Customer Retention

Companies work hard to attract customers, but more work and knowledge is needed in ensuring that such buyers stick to the company in the long-term. Market intelligence helps in ensuring that all the needs of the customers in the company have been catered for so that they can remain in the company without hesitation. It also ensures that other companies are not in a position to exploit the possible vulnerabilities that the business is likely to have in its operations.

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NetBase Quid

Gathering market intelligence, especially for startup companies, is a massive call because they do not have the experience to understand expert operations of the company. NetBase Quid offers intelligence about the market to both startups and established organizations around the world. The company can deduce the internal operations that can be enhanced to improve customer retention as well as attract new customers. With NetBase Quid at the helm of intelligence activities in the market, it will be possible to understand the market and exploit possible opportunities.