Online Security & Complete Knowledge of Ransomware for E-Commerce Businesses

ransomware have grown to become one of the biggest concerns for most of the individuals because this malicious software is capable of taking over your personal files and documents that are stored on your computer.

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There is no doubt about the fact that the internet is a phenomenal invention of humankind. However, as beneficial as it sounds, it is equally dangerous as well. Threats like ransomware have grown to become one of the biggest concerns for most of the individuals because this malicious software is capable of taking over your personal files and documents that are stored on your computer. 

Cybercriminals use ransomware to encrypt the documents that are important and victims can only have access to their files once they have paid the cybercriminal who encrypted their files. This deadly infection starts when an internet user clicks on a link which is usually sent as an attachment in an email. However, this is not the only way that cybercriminals use to harm their victims. Sending a link in an email is obvious, which is why they invented other ways to infect people with ransomware such as file downloads and applications. Therefore, you need to be careful when downloading files from the internet. Always use applications that are developed by trusted developers because cybercriminals are always looking for opportunities to harm you in one way or another. 

Large corporations need to maintain their security levels as they carry confidential information and financial data, which they cannot afford to lose. Once a criminal has encrypted your files, he/she will openly announce the fact that your files are compromised and will demand money from the victim to release the files. It might not sound that problematic but cybercriminals have demanded more than $1 Billion from companies in the year 2016 which quite a huge amount to pay. Moreover, cybercriminals often delete the files even after they have received the payment so there is no guarantee that you will get your files back after paying the ransom money. 

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The History of Ransomware Virus 

Ransomware is not something new to the world. The first incident recorded of this crime took place in 1989. However, the virus exploded last year in 2018 when it increased by almost 748% and people from all over the world got infected by this deadly trap. Individuals, as well as companies, have faced major ransomware problems since the year 2016 when it gained popularity. 

How Did It Evolve? 

In the early stages, ransomware was relatively simple and to the point as it used the basic cryptography which allowed criminals to change the names of the files. This form of ransomware was easy to overcome but as technology has advanced, criminals have become more powerful and difficult to catch. Initially, criminals targeted individuals but when technology emerged, they got access to advanced cryptography which enables them to attack companies who were capable of paying more than they could ever imagine. One of the most successful types of ransomware in the early years was the Police Ransomware. In this type of ransomware, criminals claimed to be associated with the law enforcement bodies and they would take over the files stored in computers that belonged to local individuals telling them that it was a local check-up by the police officials. After having access to their computers, they would ask them for a fine and would tell them that in case the user fails to pay the fine, he/she will have to go to jail. This is how criminals used to exploit innocent internet users. 

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Types of Ransomware

New variants of ransomware are evolving on a daily basis because criminals have access to the latest technology. There are different types of ransomware that criminals use to make money. Some of the most successful types are as follows: 


Locky is perhaps the most dangerous as well as the most notorious type of ransomware available today. Locky has terrorized various organizations around the globe in the year 2016 and the virus made its way to the headlines when it infected a hospital in Hollywood. The hospital was forced to give in and as a result, paid $17,000 ransom to the criminals in order to get its data restored. Locky has been successful throughout the years because it was used by trained criminals who regularly updated the codes in order to avoid detection by the police. In addition to this, the criminals also updated its functionality to make ransom demands in more than 30 languages which enabled them to target people from all over the world. At one point in time, Locky was considered to be the deadliest of all malware available in the world. 


This is another type of ransomware that gained success in the world of criminality. Cryptowall is a ransomware that is known for putting additional pressure on the victim by scrambling the files making it nearly impossible for the people to recognize the files. This way the criminals ensure that they receive the payment and only then they release the files of the victim. 


Cerber is ransomware that allows criminals to distribute the ransom money amongst themselves. This infected millions of people around the globe because the developers of this malware gave access to the criminals of Dark Web in exchange for 40% of every ransom payment. Cerber became so popular that people considered it to be more dangerous and deadly than Locky. This particular malware is responsible for nearly 90% of the ransomware attacks as of April 2017. 

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Ransomware in the Year 2019 

The attacks by popular ransomware like Locky and Cerber diminished by the end of 2017, but criminals continue to attack people via emails by sending links as attachments. Email spamming continues to grow because of GandCrab, a new type of ransomware that recently gained popularity due to its advanced features. This type of ransomware is capable of demanding ransom in the form of crypto-currency which is impossible to trace and that is why criminals can get away with the money much more conveniently.  


Ransomware attacks are increasing and therefore, you need to take all the necessary steps to keep your system safe and secure from all the online threats. It is better to take precautions beforehand rather than waiting for something bad to happen. You can improve the security of your system by availing the services of an internet provider that offers a complete security suite, like the one offered in Spectrum Gold Package so that your data is protected at all times. The security suite offered by the service provider will help you enhance the safety of your computer and you will have a peace of mind knowing that you are secure from all the online threats.