How to Score a Job as a Corporate Travel Manager

How To

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Corporate travel manager positions have become lucrative. Most professionals work at corporations and enterprises. Therefore, the job is rewarding and the salary attractive.

Salaries for this position range between $50,000 to $80,000 annually. In 2022, the United States employs almost 5,000 corporate travel managers. Therefore, it’s a competitive market for a limited number of jobs.

Nonetheless, those with a passion for travel, negotiation, and organization can land these positions with some persistence, strategizing, and preparation. For example, you should understand the demands of the position. It also helps to have industry knowledge, such as corporate travel stats.

We provide an overview of how to score a job as a corporate travel manager.

Complete Your Education

Since most corporations and enterprises hire for this position, expect them to request a college degree. Consider studying business, and if you find a school that offers programs in tourism or travel, sign up for them. Then, complete programs and earn your degrees.

Skills that this position requires include:

  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Budgeting
  • Technology
  • Problem-solving

Some of these skills come naturally to some individuals. Others can learn them in school and thrive in the workplace.

In 2022, completing degree programs shows an individual’s commitment to finish what they start. Therefore, earn your degrees.

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Obtain Experience

A Catch-22 that many job seekers face is gaining experience for attractive positions. Reaching the corporate level is a big deal, and the company will expect new team members to hit the ground running on day one.

Therefore, those who hope to manage a company’s corporate travel should gain experience in booking flights, negotiating with vendors, and overseeing budgets.

Plus, travel planners collaborate with travelers. Thanks to human nature, those interactions can go in many directions. Managers must ensure that travel occurs without a hitch. Then, you’ll review and submit travel expense reports.

Working for a travel agency is one way to obtain experience. You can also start at the entry-level and work your way up the ladder.

Demonstrate Your Skills

The interviewer must determine if you fit the job description during the interview. Travel planners benefit from having negotiation, stellar communication, and organizational skills.

Therefore, prepare to demonstrate your skills during the interview.

Since you’ll need to gain experience in booking travel before achieving management status, take note of your professional accomplishments. For example, explain how you used your problem-solving skills in complex situations.

Understand the Job

When you apply for the position, ensure you understand what it requires.  Typical job duties are:

  • Develop the company’s corporate travel policy
  • Establish travel budgets
  • Establish relationships with vendors
  • Monitor travel activities
  • Book hotels, flights, and ground transportation
  • Review travel expense reports
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Your company might add other responsibilities to your plate. Then, it’s your responsibility to efficiently run the department while adhering to company standards.

Pick Up Technology Skills

Companies will train new employees, including those who switched positions. However, it helps you to enter the job with a few tricks up your sleeve. For example, software has entered all facets of business operations. Moreover, software exists for every industry and position.

Therefore, become familiar with software designed for corporate travel managers.

Search for Opportunities

Opportunities rarely fall into people’s laps. Therefore, start your search for companies that have the position open.

You can check online job boards and platforms. If you have friends, colleagues, or family members who work at corporations and enterprises, ask them to put their ears to the ground. Sometimes companies do not advertise open positions when they plan to fill them internally.

However, you never know when you can make an opportunity happen.

You might not find an open management position open. Finding an entry-level one can go in your favor since it gets your foot in the door.

Practice Interviewing

Now, you’re ready to start practicing for the interview. List your accomplishments, dress for the part, and research your potential employer.

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Thanks to the internet, preparing for many types of interviews is possible. You might find articles online that list potential questions. Searching for articles that list tips for succeeding in this position is also helpful.

Then, record yourself answering questions and pay attention to your mannerisms and answers. You want to exude confidence, sincerity, and knowledge.


Landing a job as a corporate travel manager is lucrative. Before applying for an open position, ensure that you have the educational and experience requirements. List your accomplishments and prepare for the interview when you land one.