How to Get Backlinks for Your Website

Digital Marketing

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Ranking higher for specific search engine results is a surefire way to get more traffic to your website. More traffic means more lead generation and increased brand awareness, things that are critical to the growth of your business. However, to improve your website’s search engine ranking, you’re going to have to engage in various forms of digital marketing like SEO and content marketing. A key part of these campaigns is getting other websites to link back to your own website, building your website’s credibility and authority in the eyes of search engine crawlers. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to get backlinks to their website, especially if they can’t consult with a firm that provides link building services. Thankfully, there are some great methods you can employ to increase the number of links leading to your website. So what should you do to get more links and improve your search engine results? Here’s how to get backlinks for your website. 

Guest Blogging

One of the most common ways of securing backlinks to your website is through guest blogging. Guest blogging is the process of posting your content and blogs on other websites, allowing you to reach new audiences. Guest blogs are great for a wide variety of reasons and can allow you to reach entirely new audiences. Not only will your guest content link back to your website, but you can introduce your brand and content to a wide variety of new people. As a result, guest blogging can be a fantastic way to build your credibility with search engines through links and boost your credibility and brand awareness to many new readers. 

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Research Competitors

If you’re struggling to get backlinks for your website, a great strategy is to research the competitors in your industry. You and your competitors are likely very similar, and as a result, you’ll probably be vying for the same websites when it comes to links. Analyzing your competitors and seeing where they are getting their links from can point you in the right direction and give you a better idea of potential opportunities out there. Getting in touch with these third-party websites could provide you with a wealth of opportunities and can really increase the number of backlinks leading back to your website. If your competitors are getting links from these websites, then chances are they’ll be willing to work with you as well. 

Unlinked Mentions

As your business grows and gets more of a presence, many outlets and websites will start to mention you in their content. These mentions will either talk about what your brand has accomplished or cite your brand as a source of information. However, not all of these mentions will link back to your website, presenting a major missed opportunity. Monitoring the times your website is mentioned and ensuring that those mentions link back to your website can net you many new links. You could have dozens of unlinked mentions, and all it would take to turn those mentions into backlinks is some simple outreach. This is one of the easiest ways to get new backlinks to your website, so you should always monitor your digital presence and ensure that mentions result in links. 

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Broken Links

Another very easy way to increase the number of links leading to your website is by monitoring the links you currently have and ensuring that none of them are broken. Due to changes and other circumstances, a website that linked to you in the past may not actually have a working link. Although you may think that these websites are linking to you, if the links don’t actually work, then it does little for both search engine crawlers and human users. Simply comb through the links you already have secured once in a while, ensuring they are still working and functional. If not, reach out to the website and see if you can get them to fix the problem. A broken link can harm their credibility and means that you get no benefits, so everyone stands to gain from fixing the link.