How to Build the Ultimate Gaming Desk Setup

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Do you consider yourself to be a serious gamer?

No matter your skill level or how many years you’ve been playing, there’s never been a better time to enjoy the hardcore gaming experience. 

After all, technology has come a long way in the past couple of decades, offering cool storylines and amazing graphics that will appeal to just about everyone.

One of the keys to having the best video game experience possible is to create the ultimate gaming environment. This includes investing in a quality gaming desk setup.

Here we take a look at what should be included in your competitive gaming desk so that you can take your skills to the next level. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.

Gaming Chair

Let’s start by talking about choosing the right gaming chair for your desk setup. After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time with your butt planted in your chair, thus you’d better make sure you’ll be comfortable.

The key to selecting the perfect gaming chair is to make sure it provides plenty of lower back support. You don’t have to spend a small fortune on a good chair, but a cheap chair that lacks lower back support will come back to haunt you in a hurry.

It should be adjustable, preferably with adjustable lumbar support, adjustable heights, and armrests.

It’s also important to choose a chair that positions your knees, elbows, and hips at 90 degrees while your feet are flat on the floor. This will allow you to play games comfortably for hours.

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Gaming Desk Width

When it comes to shopping for the perfect gaming desk, you need to consider the size of your room. After all, you’ll want as much surface area as possible without investing in a piece of gaming furniture that dominates your space.

Keep in mind that the average monitor is between 22″ and 30″ across their diagonals. Thus you’ll need a desk that’s approximately 40″ to 60″ wide. This amount of space will enable you to operate comfortably even if you invest in a slightly bigger monitor.

Gaming Desk Depth

Fortunately, modern computer monitors are flat, so you won’t need a desk that is extremely deep. The key is to think about your keyboard and gaming peripherals that you’ll keep on your desktop. 

Give yourself enough space to move around and to operate your keyboard and mouse comfortably while keeping the empty surface area to a minimum.

Gaming Desk Shape

The shape of your desk is another important consideration.

The most popular shapes for gaming are rectangular and L-desks. A rectangle is the most common desk shape and is extremely versatile. Just keep in mind that a long rectangular desk makes it a bit more challenging to keep all of your gaming equipment within reach.

An L-desk simply consists of two tabletops placed at right angles. This is the ideal setup for keeping all your peripherals within reach and is perfect for a place in the corner of your room.

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The key is to consider your playing style. Why? Because everyone is different, so what’s right for you might not be right for other gamers. 

It’s also important to simply sit at a variety of desks to test out what feels most comfortable. You might end up being surprised at what feels right.  

Here are some benefits of investing in the best gaming setups.

Key Features to Keep In Mind

There are other features to consider besides size and shape. 

For example, you might want a desk setup that includes shelves, a bookcase, drawers, a hutch, or cabinets. After all, most gamers own a variety of study guides and components that need to be stored somewhere.

You should also look for a gaming desk that’s a good match for your gaming keyboard. Most gaming desks feature built-in keyboard drawers so that you don’t have to take up space on the surface of your desktop.

Choosing the Best Controllers

It’s no secret that having the right controllers is one of the keys to success in the gaming world. 

Again, the key is to focus on the type of gaming you prefer as well as your personal playing style. 

It’s also important to consider what feels best in your hand. Experiment with as many different styles of controllers as possible. Log a few hours with each. Play competitively so that you’re forced to make quick moves and rapid decisions. This will help you understand how each controller reacts to your gaming needs.

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Buying the Right PC

There’s obviously nothing more important to a competitive gamer than the quality of their PC.

You can spend a fortune on your gaming desk, gaming chair, and have a fierce competitive gaming style, but none of it will matter if your gaming PC can’t keep up.

This will properly be the most expensive piece of gaming equipment you’ll invest in, thus it’s important to understand exactly what you need for your playing style and buy the best machine you can afford.

Monitor vs Projector

When it comes to choosing between a traditional vs projector, it all boils down to preference and budget. 

Both viewing experiences have advantages and disadvantages, but most players are limited by how much they can afford to spend. Experient with both if possible, and then make a calculated decision based on which option provides the optimal gaming experience.

Creating the Optimal Gaming Environment

Having a great gaming experience is all about comfort and the ability to focus. That’s why it’s important to minimize distractions in your gaming room. 

The key is to invest in quality audio equipment and reduce clutter. After all, creating the optimal gaming environment is half the fun of being a competitive gamer.

A Guide to the Ultimate Gaming Desk Setup

When it comes to being the best gamer possible, it all starts with having the right equipment. Fortunately, this guide to creating the ultimate gaming desk setup will help you put together everything needed for competitive gaming action.