How Technology has changed the Face of Education

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Saying without any complication, education and related process of learning new things and adding information to the existing knowledge leads to wisdom and success in one’s life as a whole. Earlier, classroom instruction was teacher oriented, i.e., students were expected to be le   active participants of teaching-learning process, totally under the control of the instructor. Later, it transformed into student oriented learning experience, and the instructor as the facilitator. Now, the whole scenario did undergo rapid and positive change because e-Learning and smart classes did force the context of education to be the forerunner of innovativeness and effective teaching-learning strategy.

Technology and transformation of global education

Now, education is generally considered as the threshold of creativity without national and international boundaries. Can you imagine a classroom where the educator is the supreme entity creating knowledge in different subjects based upon textbook and teachers’ handbook based bookish knowledge? No way, this is because technology did transform global education from its core aspects. One can see that the curriculum and syllabus of international schools did undergo change owning to the fact that modern schools are expected to accommodate international students. In a globalized world, schools cannot keep aloof within their own shelves because the global workforce is waiting for new recruits in the form of fresher studs from schools and colleges. The usage and dependency of technology in global education includes smart classes, gadgets, e-learning, refreshment courses equipped with innovative learning strategies, digital libraries, opportunity to communicate with educators beyond classroom environs, mobile applications aiming to enhance learning, online classes, online exams and related innovations.

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Modern technology can address student diversity

One can see that diversity is the core aspect of vividness and spontaneity within classroom environs. Earlier, educators provided ample importance to direct communication in the form of classroom instruction because they were totally aware of the fact that nothing other than the black board, text book, teachers’ handbook, and a few handmade teaching aids, to impart their ideas. Due to this fact, delinquents, differently able and those students with less intelligence were forced to face several problems because traditional mode of instruction was not enough to motivate the students from the aforementioned groups. But nowadays, due to the influence of modern technology, teachers can easily deal with the students as a whole by depending upon technologically innovative educational strategies and educational tools, especially audio-visual. Within this scenario, the Internet resources and lessons in capsule more related to e-learning can enhance the performance of students. On the other side, instructors can easily provide individual attention to each and every student because modern technology can transform teaching-learning into interesting levels and new heights. Besides, students can easily grasp the essence of their lessons because modern technology is aided with graphics and animation. So, teachers can easily transform ‘boring’ subjects and related lessons into ‘interesting’ with the help of modern technology. Still, digital divide is a serious problem curbing the expected developments related to the inculcation of technology which is expected to change the face of educational innovativeness.

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So, modern technology is the integral part of modern education and educational experts, policy makers related to education, and especially the instructors must be ever ready make use of the same for the better future of the student community in general. As more world nations are showing acceptance towards modernity and related addition of technological innovation to the core of education and related instructional strategies in the form of information technology, related ideas, gadgets, and not but the least, the Internet, and the future of the usage of technology within education to change its face is bright and colorful, for sure.