Global Websites That Use PHP In 2022

Web Development

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In a time when privileged organizations are utilizing somewhat intimidating, large-scaled tech stacks for their back-end, many people yet can’t acknowledge that PHP can be used for big and prosperous projects. 

But you’d be shocked to know what is common in companies like Fortune 500 tech startups, Facebook, MailChimp, Slack, and Etsy. In general, they’re businesses that employ PHP in their end-to-end computing infrastructure.

Let it be Lyft employing PHP to run one of the world’s most expansive ride-sharing databases, or Slack deploying PHP for the preponderance of its server-side application logic, what matters is that sites use PHP for world-class small-large mobile and web products. That’s why the demand for PHP developers are still a valid case since most of the tech giant companies use it for their website.

7 Global Websites That Use PHP

We have examined some of the popular sites and here are some famous websites that are using PHP.

1. Facebook

We know that Facebook is the most famous social media web application with more than 1.49 billion active users. Amazingly, Facebook was developed primarily with PHP. Facebook has carried the benefit of PHP’s capability to generate dynamic content in mere seconds. 

At its beginning, the whole core Facebook application code was documented in PHP by both Zuckerberg and Moskowitz. This directed to a domino impact, and now a considerable pool of present-day tech companies operate PHP as pleasingly.

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Facebook oriented HipHop for PHP (HPHPc) in 2010, a transpiler or a compiler that decodes source code into source code of a different language. In HipHop for PHP, inputted PHP code is deciphered to C++ and then compiled into binary for implementation. Ultimately, HipHop for PHP was halted and substituted by the HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) in 2013. This drastically enhanced performance and promoted more comfortable development and deployment processes.

2. Wikipedia

Wikipedia is perhaps one of the most summoned public information sites that employ PHP as a programming language alongside MySQL/MariaDB as their database backend. Identical to Facebook, in 2014, they changed to HHVM and loaded page data almost twice as quickly. 

3. Tumblr

Tumblr is better to be known as the birthplace of memes. The Tumblr community has developed over 325 million blogs and 555 million visitors on a monthly basis. In 2016, Tumblr transitioned to PHP7, recording surprising performance upticks and new language components that they’re now capable to execute, including scalar type hints and return type declarations.

4. Slack

Founded as the go-to team communications app in 2009, Slack’s valuation approached around 4 billion dollars and it’s industriously employed by over 3 million users every day. Slack deploys PHP in their backend to improve their workflow efficiency more instantaneously while hurrying up web request time and minimizing program deficiencies.

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5. MailChimp

It’s no surprise that one of the preceding leaders in the email marketing enterprise operates scalable PHP databases in its backend. As of 2014, MailChimp employs PHP to vigorously send more than 400 million emails to its 7 million registered users. The email marketing giant highlights that: “It’s the only language we employ for everything connecting the product MailChimp application.”

6. Etsy

Etsy has gained a base as one of the top ten most famous retail PHP websites in the US. They have more than 45.7 million active buyers. This shows Etsy as one of the most extensive e-commerce sites created on PHP. Among the top businesses that use PHP, Etsy is the most competitive association that utilizes it in the retail sector. They actually recorded their experiment with HHVM for webpage implementations and optimizations. Further, they unleashed Phan, a static analyzer that can automatically identify incompatibilities within PHP5/7.

7. WordPress

Eventually, it’s no wonder that the largest content management system utilizes PHP to interact with databases and bring data. In short, PHP web development code fetches key elements from the database and output them as static HTML. This allows millions of dynamic daily users to create/use templates and drag/drop website UI elements with little to no coding knowledge.

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PHP’s dynamic qualities as a scripting language have authorized companies to hold hours in lost daily time, permitting them to maximize long-term ROI. With the current advancement of PHP7 and its constant popularity as a server-side language amongst leading tech and retail companies, one thing is abundantly obvious:

PHP should be extremely regarded by business and software development groups. Regardless of how these top seven companies utilized PHP in their dev stack, they confirmed that top-level talent got the job accomplished.