Why You Should Not Buy Cheap and Fake Votes

Digital Marketing

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Buying votes has become so generic. Some websites are selling votes even for less than $1. Yeah, it is cheap but the problem with the existence of so many sites is that the genuine websites lose their credibility. If you are selling votes for that less, it means there simply is not a lot of quality in the votes you are offering. This can be a big problem as fake votes can cause a lot of problems. Today we discuss cons of buying online votes of low quality or automated votes. 

1) Disqualification from the contest:

The biggest drawback of choosing low quality votes to help you win a contest is direct disqualification. Most of the giveaways and sweepstakes have different methods of figuring out that someone might be cheating. Paying for automated votes means that someone has a software which helps them cast votes instead of genuine IP votes, which is the requirement for the online contest, you are participating in. So, if you are to be disqualified, that would mean you wasted the money and you also did not win the contest.

2) Bad publicity and a potential ban:

Some websites and brands take cheating very seriously. If you continuously participate in their online contests, you earn a reputation. You do not want to earn a bad reputation by cheating and getting caught. Buying cheap votes might lead to this, as votes cast by robots and different software can make you get caught, very quickly. So, it might not be worth going for websites that are offering votes are surprisingly low prices.

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3) Lesser chances of winning:

Your chances, too, seem to decrease if you opt for such websites. This is because you cannot get an update and your votes might not be cast in time due to some kind of problem with the software. 

So, you might ask what the correct way is, for winning contests? It is a simple solution, opt for trusted websites that offer votes at competitive prices and cast them manually through the help of genuine IPs. One of the reliable names in the casting-vote business is of Votes Factory. They have a team of brilliant people who know what it takes to win an online contest. So, the next time you need to buy votes for an online contest, you should consider Votes Factory as they ensure that you win at every cost. The estimate of how much votes you need, is up to you, and once buy the votes, you are redirected to PayPal, which is a trusted website for payments. You make the payment from your account and once your order is processed, the website casts the votes in your favor. They do this through the many genuine IPs they have which means that your votes are manually cast and there is no cheating involved. So, do not be afraid to spend big, especially when it means you could potentially win an online contest.

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