Ways you can prepare for a SAT exam


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To obtain admission to the best of colleges you need to clear the SAT exam. But an area that students become confused is what is a good SAT score 2020 or being aware of the best tips to clear the exam. Here are some tips that might be of help

Outside the class read plenty of non – fiction books

The exam of SAT focuses heavily on the reading front. There are going to be long dense passages and the answers are to be given within a time frame of an hour. It does not mean that the questions work out to be difficult but they work out to be straight forward. It the reading part that is going to be tough as the brain might require a lot of energy during the process.

So as to prepare such a situation from happening plan to read a lot of non- fiction stuff before you sit for SAT. Be aware that the reading habit is not going to spring up all of a sudden, but at least you need to make a start. The time is right for you to be ready with the books.

Be aware about the mental health

There are going to be a couple of sections on Maths that might allow you to use a calculator. But there is no way to be doing with the calculations with a pencil. The key is to start the preparation of the exam in the form of a mental calculator. There are a lot of eBooks in the market that might turn out to be handy references.

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Brushing up on your grammar skills

Close to half the section on verbal skills is made of grammar. Yes there could be questions on the big picture but most of them end up relying on basic grammar skills. The thought of learning grammar is the last thing when you are preparing for SAT but it does work out to be an easy topic once you prepare for a SAT exam.

Relying on the best SAT materials

Numerous study materials are there in the market and all of them are not equal. Some of them might provide you with answers that are not going to be a true reflection of the actual test.

Opt for some mixed practice tests

During the course of a SAT exam there are three sections that you need to deal reading, math along with language and writing. Studies showcase the fact that you need to have a practice session in mind once you sit for an exam. What it means is during the text exam you will find it easy to be switching from one section to another. Another suggestion is to plan for a full length SAT text before you sit for the main exam. It is switching between sections and that too within a specific time limit.

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To conclude there is no point in cramming as it might showcase the fact that you are going to retain a lot of information.