Types of Interactive Whiteboard


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What is the current market status of Interactive Whiteboard Industry? What is Market competition in this Industry, both country wise and business wise? What is a Current Market Analysis of Interactive Whiteboard by Taking Various Types and Applications into Consideration? What are the latest trends and developments that are happening in the industry? All these questions are some of the most important and widely asked questions by many of the businessmen and companies which are engaged in the manufacturing of Interactive Whiteboards.

The present situation and forecast period of the Interactive Whiteboard Industry are very interesting and exciting as it is far fetched and futuristic. There can be no better and more appropriate way to motivate, inspire, communicate with and communicate to all the key players in this competitive industry than to have a glimpse of the market analysis and forecast period of the future trends of the interactive whiteboards. At the beginning of this decade, this interactive whiteboards were just introduced as it was being introduced by Microsoft. Later on, the companies like, Agfa, Sony, Alps, Hitachi, Hitech, etc introduced their own interactive whiteboards which compete with each other in terms of features offered by them. With the new type of Interactive Whiteboards being introduced every day, the technological giants have never looked back and are still battling out for the consumer’s heart and attention with each passing day.

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Right now, there are estimated to be approximately hundred to one hundred and sixty different brands which are available in the global interactive whiteboard market. Some of the renowned brands, which are really hot and are gaining immense popularity are the Daewoo, Hewlett Packard, Naxcom, Cintex, and Logitech. These brands are known for their high quality and unmatched technology that are making them stand among the rest in the world of interactive technology.

Now, let’s get down to the more in depth aspects of the interactive whiteboard. As already mentioned above, these interactive whiteboard supplies come in various shapes, sizes and forms which can vary depending on the usage you have intended for it. Let’s take a look at some of its most popular forms and see what they can do:

This is commonly found as the most common form in the market. It is the most commonly used form with its LED light emitting diode surface and resistive or non-resistive properties. This interactive whiteboard uses a resistive light pen that can be attached to the surface or just pressed to it using a finger. This pen uses a power source via a USB cable to activate it and light up the board. One can also use a Wii remote control through which one can point and click on the surface.

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Another form is the touch screen that uses an infrared camera-based technology and is commonly used in tablet PC and eBook readers such as the Amazon Kindle. The touch screen has a sensitive surface that detects human interaction with it such as taps, swipes, and even “dragging” of the fingers. These are the most sensitive touch screen tablet PC display boards that are used today. And they are often used in hospitals, educational institutions, restaurants, manufacturing companies, and so on.

Last but not the least, there is the projected display board or the illuminated object board, which also uses infrared camera based technology. This can be seen in commercial applications such as in projection screens and restaurant displays and trade shows. When a person walks into the projection screen area, the projected image appears as a moving image on the screen. It is also used in security surveillance cameras to capture the faces of unidentified people.

The above mentioned are just two types of the most common types of interactive whiteboards found in the US. As you can see, there are a lot of manufacturers all over the US that are constantly producing new models and brands to meet the growing demand. One thing is for sure, there will never be a shortage of this interactive board technology. Now, it’s up to you – choose the one that suits your needs and budget.

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