Twitter Adds to Media Studio New Conversation Insights

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We are all familiar with the social media site Twitter and use it daily. Twitter gave a lot of features to its users so that they can conveniently use it. But sometimes we don’t know about its important features and tools that help us to save our time.

In the present era, time is very valuable and we should always try to use it in a useful manner. Considering your valuable time in mind, I will tell you about the twitter new tool “conversation insight” lanuanced by twitter (as you can see in the below image|) that will surely help you to manage and save your time.

  Where is that tool? How can we use it? What are the benefits? I know that kind of question will come into your mind. Well let’s discuss it one by one.

What is the conversation insight?

You always not seen all the tweets but If you want to know the tweet that you missed then use the Conversation Insight. It enables publishers to see tweets they may have missed, enabling them to see what’s being said about them minute-by-minute over time.

Twitter Conversation Insights

As you can see in the image the main flow chart shows the number of tweets mention you are seeing. This will help you to maintain your tweet strategy.  

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Where is that tool placed?

To help users improve their performance on its platform, Twitter has been working on several Publisher Insights tools for its media studio.

Yes, Twitter has added a new ‘Conversation Insights‘ element to its Media Studio tool of analytics. Media Studio is a platform to manage, measure and monetize your videos on Twitter. 

You might be thinking why it the need for the conversation insight?

Twitter is a social site for public conversation. So, the users will have to know when that a conversation includes them, understand what is being said, and use that knowledge to inform their content strategy. That’s why we need conversation insight for better tweet management.

Many people think that some features of conversation insight are available on twitter tweet deck then why we use it.

Yes, many features that are offered by Conversation Insights are available through third-party tools or within twitter i.e Tweet Deck.

The simple answer is that it doesn’t simply measure mentions and hashtags, giving you more information as I highlighted in the features.

Features of this tool.

 Some silent features are 

  1. Enable to see the tweet that you missed
  2. Go beyond the mentions and hashtag.
  3. Give you a graph that shows how many tweets are about you.
  4. How many accounts talking about you and engaging with your content.
  5. See the Tweets that can be filtered by the follower and also see who mentioned you
  6. Help you to manage and maintain your twitter strategy. 
  7. It is not mentioning that are relevant to themselves, but also the specific people who are engaging with your profile and amplifying your messaging.
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You can get started with the conversation insight by following the steps below:

  1. Open the media studio and open the Analytics dropdown menu and select Insights.
  2. After that select the conversation insight. 
  3. View the graph to understand who is mentioning you, how many tweets are about you etc. use that information and improve your tweet strategies. 

Wrapping up.

Twitter has added a new conversation insight element into its media studio tool, and I think change is better because we don’t always see who mentioned as because of a shortage of time. 

Conversation insight made it easy you just click on any day and you can see a more specific of your top tweets, and who was engaging with them. More insight is always better. You were able to find who mention and interact with you.  

In the future, Twitter’s also planning to add in the capacity to engage with Tweets, share them, or even reply directly from the Conversation Insights page. In addition to that if you have other problems that how to download the video from twitter then use twittrdownloader.

Thanks for reading the article. I hope it helps you in future.