Top Online Safety Tips with


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1. Download The Latest Firewall And Antivirus Software

To ensure you’re protected from new potential threats, make sure you download the latest antivirus and firewall software

2. Update Your Browser

The latest internet browsers have protection features built into them. 

3. Create Passwords That Are Strong

You should create passwords that are made up of numbers and letters. Make sure your password is easy to remember. 

4. User Different Passwords

If you use other services, then make sure you have a separate password to access each service. 

5. Update Passwords Regularly 

Every 8-12 weeks you should change your passwords. 

6. Don’t Share Passwords 

Never share your passwords with employees. No employee will ever ask you what your passwords are. If someone contacts you via phone or email and they claim to be from HSBC, then contact HSBC right away. 

7. Don’t Save Log On Details

Your browser may ask you to save your log on details, but don’t allow it to. It’s better and safer to re-enter your log on details. 

8. Store Your Paper Statements 

When you receive paper statements, then store them somewhere safe or shred them before you throw them out. Fraudsters can get personal details from paper statements. They can use these details to steal your identity. 

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9. Learn How To Spot Fake Sites And Emails

Criminals use fake sites and emails to phish. This is a method they use to steal banking details and passwords. Learn how to spot fake sites and emails. Use safe sites like for gaming online.

10. Avoid Cons And Fraud Tricks 

If deals seem to good too be true, then they probably are. Stay away from them. Doing so will help keep your money and yourself protected.