Top Essay writing guidelines – 2021


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We think that you have already planned your essay, taking into account your word limit, gathered information that you intend to use, taking time to understand the essay question, and producing a skeleton plan of your essay. You will not pay for a paper to anyone. 

Structure your essay

With every statement following logically from the last one and appropriate signposts to guide the reader, an article should be written in a flowing manner.

Take the following structured format:

· 1. The Introduction, introducing your topic

· 2. The main body that is a development of the issues or portrays the central theme of the essay

· 3. A conclusion concluding the entire essay

· 4. A list of references for the sources of information you have used to write your essay

Introduction introduces the subject and explains how you understand the question and describe briefly how you intend to deal with it.

Give a brief history or personal context if appropriate, and explaining why you think the subject is significant or interesting, you can start by explaining essential terms and elements. 

1. The Introduction, introducing your topic

One or two paragraphs to keep it concise, to the point, keep the Introduction precise. When writing an essay, and then rewrite this when they have finished the first draft of their paper, students find it best to write a provisional introduction. Ask yourself what the reader needs to know to follow your subsequent discussion for writing a brief introduction.

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2. The main body that is a development of the issues or portrays the central theme of the essay

Some students’ essays are linked to the catalogues of factual material or summaries of other people’s philosophies or viewpoints, thoughts or attitudes.

On the other hand, some other students express only personal opinions with little or no researched evidence or examples taken from other writers to support their views.

The balance between the writers’ analysis and the researchers’ analysis of your comments and the subject; hence may vary with the issue and the question’s nature. It is essential to back up the points you wish to make from your experience, generally with other published writers and researchers’ findings.

You might require to cite other authors by quoting from books that you have read till now. The essential requirement is that the material you cite or use provides the evidence of the point you have made. However, the amount of proofs that you show depends on the essay you are writing.

3. A conclusion concluding the entire essay

The purpose of the conclusion is, to sum up, or draw a deduction from your argument or comparison of viewpoints and is required at the end of an essay.

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In short, it shows what has been learned or accomplished. The conclusion is also an excellent place to mention questions that do not come within your essay’s scope; however, they are left open for further issues that you recognize.

4. References

Add the bibliography to prove the authentic sources