Top 5 free online plagiarism checker with percentage and report 2021

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If your work is caught with plagiarism, the consequences can be extreme. Plagiarism is an act of stealing someone’s original work and passing it on as your own. 

We present top 5 free online plagiarism checkers. 

Just checking your content for plagiarism is not enough. It is of no use if you don’t know the percentage of plagiarism and uniqueness in your content. 

Generating a report helps you keep a track of your work as well. 

Whether you are a teacher checking your student’s work, a student who needs to submit their assignment due this week or a professional article writer, you need a plagiarism checker. 

The reports in a plagiarism checker are a proof of your unique work and low plagiarism in your content. 

You can use it to view your own plagiarism or submit it along with your files to prove that your work is unique. 

There are multiple platforms now to check plagiarism online. They let you find out the plagiarized content so you can make changes to it and get away from the plagiarism. 

Here are the top plagiarism checkers that let you check plagiarism for free and generate the reports: 


Prepostseo is a one of the top plagiarism checkers in 2021. With the technology evolving every day, it evolves with it and uses a unique algorithm to detect plagiarism. 

It is a free online tool for everyone. It has not been allocated to any specific kind of writers and anyone can use it the way they want. 

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Whether you are a teacher, a student, a professional writer, an article writer, academic writer, etc, this tool is what you need. 

All you have to do is post the link of the website or upload the file or copy and paste the text in the search box. 

In end, it generates a free report indicating all the websites the content has been copied from and the percentage of the plagiarized content.

 The plagiarized content is marked in different colors from different website. 

You will get a detailed report of not just the duplicated content, but also the paraphrased content that the search engines might be able to detect. 


  • Free tool 
  • Gives a free report in the end 
  • Checks the duplicated content
  • Checks the paraphrased content
  • Performs deep search 
  • Fast processing

This plagiarism checker is dedicated mostly to the educational institutions and the people related to it. To check plagiarism online, you just have to copy paste the text or upload the file and it will show you the results. 

It will generate the report in the end giving you the complete details about your content.

 It is preferred by most of the teachers, students and several companies as it is a reliable source. 

Security of the content is a one of the main concerns of people using a plagiarism checker

Many online plagiarism checking tools can save your text and use it before you do or sell it out. 

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This problem has occurred with multiple plagiarism checkers but plagaware offers free but reliable plagiarism checker.

 It does not save anything on the databases and does not use your text. 

It understands that your text is your and it maintains the integrity of it. 

Main features: 

  • Free to use 
  • Easy to use 
  • Free report generation in the end 
  • Secure platform
  • Gives a detailed report
  • Performs deep search on offline databases as well.

Whether you are trying to check the content in your files, the content that you have published online already or check your whole website for plagiarism, this tool will check plagiarism for free

It has a 2 thousand limit for words on the plagiarism checker but there is no limit if you are doing the search on a website. 

There are multiple chances that your website content might have been copied or you might have used the same phrases as someone else. 

It will not just make your work plagiarized but will ruin your SEO.

 No matter how much content you keep uploading on your website in an attempt to improve it, it won’t until you have not removed the plagiarism. 

It can check the plagiarism in academic writing, assignments, etc but it has been especially designed for articles and websites. 

The web content is the main specialty of this tool and will give you an in-depth report after performing the plagiarism check. 

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  • Free tool
  • Dedicated to web content 
  • Check content directly from URLs
  • Check content directly from websites 
  • In depth search 
  • Report generation in the end

It is a free online tool which scans your documents and text to generate a report in the end. It performs a deep search online and matches the content with all the websites online. 

The content might be an article, a research paper, on-page content on a website or any other kind and you can easily check plagiarism online through this tool. 

This tool might not give you a percentage of the plagiarized content but will check the plagiarism on every line and display the duplicate websites.

 As soon as it displays the result, it will show an exists button next to it which will lead you to the page where it was copied from. 


  • Free to use 
  • 2000 word limit per search 
  • Perfect for academic papers

A tool which has been dedicated for the academic writing and to promote less plagiarism in the assignments, research papers and helping the teachers. 

Its main agenda is to eradicate the plagiarism and it contributes by detecting the plagiarism in your content and showing the percentage along with the report generation in the end of your search. 

All you have to do is copy and paste the content in the search box. 


  • Free to use
  • Dedicated to academics
  • Best for all teachers around the world.