Top 3 Frameworks for Web Application Development

Web Development

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Web application development is not a new domain of computer science. For nearly the past three decades, web applications have slowly been taking over our lives and making our personal and professional activities much more efficient. Therefore, the number of web applications has been growing despite the rise of app development and the internet of things. As the number of people who have access to the internet increases, the customer base for various web applications is also likely to.

However, it is not like web developers have been creating web applications using the same tools over the last three decades. From barebones methods of creating single web pages, we now have development frameworks that do not even require any coding knowledge to use. There are tens of web application development frameworks available, and app development services generally have knowledge of multiple frameworks, choosing whichever one fits the bill best for the requirement that they are given. Each of these frameworks has their pros and cons and are ideal for different types of web applications.

Let us look at some of the best web application development services available.


AngularJS is based on a JavaScript platform and is entirely open source. It is maintained by Google and has a rich community of contributors and developers who help troubleshoot issues and develop the framework. Its initial release was in 2010 and has since grown in use by several different app development services.

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AngularJS is among the most accessible major web application development frameworks to learn. If you have basic knowledge of Java, HTML, or CSS, AngularJS will not be difficult for you to understand. It also has a two-way binding feature that allows all changes in the code to reflect immediately in the model. It is supported by Google and hence is not likely to lose wide support for web applications soon. AngularJS is also a great option for real-time testing, whether it is end-to-end or unit testing.


Django is yet another open-source web application development framework and is maintained by the Django Software Foundation. It is based on a Python platform and was first released in 2005.

Since the Django framework is Python-based, it is easy to learn not just for experienced coders but also for new developers. Some of the most future-ready industries, such as IT, the internet of things, and FinTech, utilize the Django framework for their development activities. Among the most outstanding features of Django is its administration interface, which allows for quick and easy customization of your web pages. Django also has a bustling community of developers, which can be of great help if you run into problems with the framework’s core settings. Due to the robust foundations on which it is based, Django is capable of handling millions of users at a time, making it immensely scalable.

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React is a front-end framework based on a JavaScript platform. Its maintenance is taken care of by Facebook and a host of other developers and organizations. It is used for web applications and mobile applications, making it a popular choice among app development services. It was initially released in 2013.

The React framework allows for the utilization of application components on both the client-side and server-side, making application development much quicker. Hence, it fosters collaboration and allows multiple developers to work concurrently. The React code is also modular in structure and hence very flexible to work with. The main USP of the React framework is that it offers server-side rendering and a virtual DOM, which makes applications run faster. It is also easier to make multi-platform applications using the React framework.


Web application development is not a domain that is likely to go out of favor any time soon. Even in this domain, the three frameworks mentioned above have emerged to be market leaders and offer wide compatibility and some compelling features. If you are making a web application or getting one made by app development services, make sure that one of these three frameworks is being used for best performance and integration.

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