Tips To Take Care Of Your Phone When Going To The Beach

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Nowadays, the phone is an integral part of life, and since it is a single device that stores everything- from office emails, documents, entertainment, music and even taking a quick picture. One even uses this to keep this as a fitness tracker. While one plays with it all the time, it also increases the chance of it to break down frequently and sometimes have a visit for repairing shops. Down the line, visiting can help you to solve queries on an online forum. 

If you are looking for such tips, then this article is perfect for you. 

Tips for using the iPhone at the beach 

The new iPhone device has resistance to sand, water, and dust but they are not water-resistant, hence using the phone under-water can be a risky move. Apple doesn’t cover water damage in its warranty protection and in case of the phone getting affected in water, you only incur a loss. Thus, there are activities one must avoid without using the protection if the phone gets affected in the water. With a proper waterproof case, one must avoid using the phone in water. 

One should never go swimming with their iPhone and staying a mile away from seawater due to its saltiness can affect the device. iPhone can handle the drizzle but it’s the drenching that causes an issue. 


There is always a limitation on the amount of water pressure one’s phone can handle : 

One should provide proper care in order to avoid visiting the shop for iPhone glass repair.

Here are the few tips one should follow to protect their phone from incurring damage: 

Beach is a combination of sand, stones, and water; hence, taking your iPhone on the beach is not a good combination. 

Water is definitely not good for a phone, in fact, saltwater damages the phone on a beyond repair style. 

When there is direct exposure from the sun, it damages the system. Avoid the same spur to your device. 

If your device is exposed to high temperature for an extended period of time, this displays an overheating warning, prior to shutting down. It is best to place it in a cool area and then switch to airplane mode when you encounter such a warning. 

Even sand can damage the phone in numerous ways, the minute sand particles scratch the screen, it enters all ports of the phone. This can be prevented by using a smartphone case and special iPhone plugs

It is advisable to use a protective case and the phone waterproof when around the water, the saltwater of the sea can damage the phone more badly. 

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When you take a backup of your phone before you take a trip to the beach; iPhone allows you to take a backup of all your photos, music app and other data using special software. 

If your phone do get wet, using a hairdryer to dry the phone can help one retain the moisture. 

Many people keep their mobiles in a vehicle itself, it is a big mistake, also it is a clear display and a chance, that it might get stolen and the device can also overheat. 

It is also a common fact to secure your electronic device as one approaches the water, storing them in a plastic bag can help one to cause all type of device to overheat. 

It is also a good idea to invest in a waterproof bag and store all the valuables, while one is at the beach. Such type can be kept even when you were swimming, it floats beside one gets along with the surface.