The Role of the Cloud is Expanding Daily

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The IoT now represents a huge portion of our working lives. The role of the Cloud is expanding daily, but here’s what that means for you.

Businesses all over the world have been going digital since the first websites arrived back in 1995. Ever since then, the Internet has grown to become more than just a place to share information. It has become a place where we buy and sell and trade. It has become a place where we advertise on the explore marketing opportunities. The Internet is now a secondary marketplace lying underneath the traditional bricks and mortar one.

This is the landscape that cloud computing has emerged into. It is spreading its wings in a world where we cannot get by without the Internet of Things, but particularly so in the workplace. Cloud computing has become an intricate part of daily life in the office – whether we know about it or not.

Let’s explore the role of cloud computing in our day to day business lives.

Cloud Computing: An Overview

Cloud computing is a broad term used to describe a multitude of different scenarios. Let’s define it first before we talk about how it is affecting our business lives.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing is an umbrella term we have been using to describe business activities that take place online. According to Microsoft, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services which are not on site. This includes things like off-site storage using servers which are in a separate location to your building and even using databases and other software elements. 

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Practically, this means that when we send an email, we send it into the cloud. When we receive an email, we receive it from the cloud. When we operate on social media, we are sending our comments into the cloud and even listing our images and videos to the same space. 

In our working lives, this means that the servers which provide our customer data storage are cloud based. We also retrieve analytical information from the cloud. The best example of this is when we use Google Analytics to examine how well our websites are doing.

How to Optimise Cloud Computing in your Business?

There are a few ways you can optimise cloud computing in your business. Try the following.

1 – Employ specific technicians

You can find employees capable of filling cloud computing jobs using the power of the internet. Some job sites allow you to search CV’s to find candidates which are an exact match to your requirements. When you have an instant employed, a specific cloud computing technician, you will shortly find that you have a better grasp on what is needed.

2 – Consider outsourcing

If you cannot get an understanding over what cloud computing is and how to use it to your best advantage, then you should consider outsourcing cloud computing services for your business. Using a dedicated service can help you to make the most of your expenditure. Outsourcing things such as data storage and software services are normal anyway. Particularly if you are an SME.

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3 – Study up

Just like we had to learn how to build websites and just like we had to learn how to use social media, we now must learn how to use cloud computing to our business’s best advantage. Read everything you can, study hard and you will shortly be a master of all things cloud computing.