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Voice-interface technology created a buzzword around the globe. Voice interface is helping the users to interact with machines without any barrier. This advancement in the field of technology is helping to eliminate keyboards and the screens of the smart devices. The technologies are complex to understand, but the solutions offered, are always versatile to use. Likewise, the advent of the voice interface is the best way the users can connect to the mobile applications. 

After the voice interface technologies got introduced, the brands embraced voice user interface and redesign their websites accordingly.  As a result, they enjoyed a 30% growth in their commerce revenue. The adoption rate of the voice interface technology changed the scenario of the user’s communication with the mobile application.

The potential of the voice technology  

The substantial utilization of the voice interface is to address the new possibilities in the future. Voice technology is offering the utmost features to transform the user experience while dealing day to day task. The evolution of voice technology is to manage, search queries while increasing the tendency of user engagement. 

The personal digital assistants and speech commands are allowing brands in different verticals to offer the personalization. There are mobile phones with voice recognition are becoming increasingly famous in the industry.   

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Voice technology is considered as one of the great tools of the current days. The huge impact of this revolutionary technology was noticed when the global smart speaker market grew 187% in the second quarter of 2018. The voice search created high possibilities with the edge of digitalization. Voice interface offers the abilities to the smartphone to communicate with their smartphone with voice recognition. 

Advantage of Voice interface 

Voice interface embedded with the mobile application has introduced new possibilities for the industry. To sustain in the market the businesses are introducing new trends to gain the user experience. Thus, the voice interface is acknowledged by the whole industry as it is upgrading the user experience. Today, every size of the company is trying to embrace the voice interface. The unique ability to communicate by voice brings a whole new range of ultimate advantages.

  • Voice interface is screen size independence.
  • Voice interface helps to reduce the number of unnecessary instructions. 
  • The voice searching Speaking always takes less time than typing.
  • Voice interface offers the ability to control the device with voice Free hands.
  • Supports the physically challenged users having poor control of their hand movements.
  • Understands natural speaking of the users without any language barrier. 
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Tech giants like Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android are taking the market trend to the hike with speech recognition in mobile phones. By 2020, 50% of all search queries answered by using voice commands. Looking at the forecast the brands are trying to integrate voice user interface and redesign their websites. It is forecast that by 2021, the impact of voice search evolution will affect 30% growth in market revenue.

Industries that can be benefited with the voice interface

Voice interface is offering a valuable addition to mobile apps in various industry verticals. The business of any size can benefit from implementing a voice interface. Several apps in the market are transforming the business prospect. Apps from Finance with online banking to music app are integrating voice assistants to help the users in person.

The industry that can use voice interface are:

  • eCommerce
  • Social applications
  • Music, movies, and television
  • Connected homes and cars
  • Finance

Final thought

The recognition of voice in mobile applications is helping the industries to overcome the various barriers.  Voice recognition will be a gigantic asset in the future of technology. The prospective for voice in applications is changing the overall scenario of the user’s communication with the mobile app. The feature of voice interface, helping user with to effectively use the information and evolve much better. 

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Add voice control to your amazing applications to remain competitive!!!

Author bio:

Harry Willam is a business marketing specialist at Quytech, a leading Mobile app development services provider that helps businesses to grow through digital transformation.