The Growing Popularity of Big Data Courses in the Current Data Age

Cyber Security

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We live in the age called the big data age. Data is rightly referred to as the future currency. This is rightly so as all processes in the near future would be connected to data in one or the other way. This is perhaps one of the prime reasons for the growing popularity of big data courses

In this post, we aim to explore the prime reasons for the growing popularity of big data courses. 

The age of big data 

We have been through several time periods and each has been noted for some specific aspect. For instance, the advent of the internet turned the whole world into a global village. People rightly referred to the fourth quarter of the twentieth century as the internet segment of the century. At the turn of the twenty first century, we started witnessing an advancement in the generations of the internet. Further advancement came down the line in the form of internet of things, cloud computing systems, blockchain technologies, virtualization, artificial intelligence and the like. This makes us refer to this quarter of the century as the one which is dominated by big data. 

Five reasons for growing popularity of big data courses 

  1. Big data would be a key factor in determining market dynamics
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One of the first and foremost reasons for the growing popularity of big data courses is the extent to which they dominate the market dynamics. Ranging from boom and bust cycles of businesses to grievance redressal systems of government, big data has a chief role to play. Big data also finds applications in several search engines. In addition to this, sectors like logistics and stock exchanges are heavily dependent upon big data. 

With such a range of applications, the tragedy is that big data professionals are less in number. So, people are rapidly switching to big data courses

2- Applications of big data in numerous sectors 

As briefed in the above section, big data finds applications in the sectors of health, education, traffic control and weather forecasting. This is in addition to its applications in search engines and development of software products. 

3- Big data is a hotbed for research 

Big data is a hotbed for research because we are constantly mining data and looking for new technologies to boost such processes. The research in big data can be understood by the following observations. Consider the number of videos that are uploaded on YouTube each hour or the data generated by Facebook users each day. All this points out that data is a resource which has tremendous value associated with it. Right from privacy issues to user preferences, big data analytics provides new horizons of research. 

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4- Big data is pivotal for creating new jobs

It is an open fact that research and development in the field of big data would lead to the generation of new jobs. Few of the examples of these jobs include data scientists, data analysts, data engineers, data architects and data managers. Having said that, the domain of big data is not just related to jobs which directly involve data. In fact, all those jobs in which data is involved in one or the other way are linked to big data. An example of this can be jobs in the sectors of online education, e-health, e-governance, logistics, stock exchange, electronics and communication. 

5- Big data is the oil, currency and oxygen of the 21st century 

Since big data dominates the current century, it is also one of the most important reasons for the popularity of big data courses. Having said that, there are many reasons for which big data is termed as the oil of the 21st century. First among them is the quantum of dependency of various sectors on big data. Second is the processing of big data. Third is its analytics and security aspect. Fourth is related to data privacy and data protection policies. 

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With all these reasons in mind, we have made an attempt to justify why data should rightly be the oil, currency and oxygen of the current century. 

Concluding remarks 

The need of the hour is to work towards more comprehensive understanding of big data analytics so that we can reap maximum benefits from it in the near future.