The Amazing World of Technology

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Since the Industrial Revolution, it seems that the advancement of technology has only multiplied exponentially. Human nature strives to achieve the most that is possible with as much efficiency as possible. It is only natural to want to avoid unnecessary struggles in order to achieve one’s goals. This is where technology plays a part in human nature. 

More Than Computers and Smartphones

While the average person may think of computers and smartphones when considering technology, the definition of technology is actually much broader than to include only digital devices. Technology is defined as applying scientific knowledge for practical purposes. The advent of the wheel was, in fact, technology in practice. Though we may have come a long way since man invented the wheel, the concept of technology is still the same. As human beings, we are striving to achieve the most as efficiently as possible by using technology.

Modern-day definitions of technology generally refer to computers, such as those in the electrical panel of an automobile, or simply a laptop PC. Hospitals rely on technology in order to assess patients’ heart rates, temperature, and other vitals. In emergency situations, technology has made it possible to even resuscitate patients and to keep their internal organs functioning, as is the case in kidney dialysis. 

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In the financial area, technology has opened doors we never dreamed of. You can buy and sell stocks with your phone. You do not have to call your broker. You can do it yourself. You can also check your earnings calendar to see the public statement of a company’s profitability for a specific period of time. You can do this anytime, anywhere. 

Technology also assists us in achieving our daily goals. Whether the consumer takes the metro train or his own luxury sedan to work, transportation is a form of technology upon which many people rely on solely in order to reach their destination. When the destination is the workplace it becomes clear to see that many people’s actual livelihood depends upon technology. We know that technology is vital for the modern-day population, too, because technology companies are pulling in so much enormous revenue.

Technology Is Available to the Common Consumer

More and more technology is available not only to professionals but also to the common consumer. The invention of the smartphone made it possible for consumers to carry a computer with them everywhere they went. Now, the consumer has in their smartphone access to the multitude of information that was once available only in the comfort of their homes at a desktop or laptop PC. Smartphones are equipped with information technology in the form of search engines, social technology in the form of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more. Additionally, with the onset of this boom in technology, it has come to a greater focus on visual technology. 

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Smartphones now come with cameras that once were accessible only by professional photographers who had, at that, saved up for many years in order to afford the photographic equipment. The new Xiaomi smartphone, for example, has one hundred and eight megapixel technology in its camera. This is incredibly high clarity for a camera that is simply situated inside of a smartphone that is accessible to the average consumer. Technology like this has helped consumers enormously in the realm of communications. Now, the average consumer can communicate with his friends and family via social media or text message exactly what he is seeing in life-like resolution. This helps to bridge the gap between loved ones when away from one another.

Connect With Family and Friends

In this way, technology aids in the consumer’s physical well being as is the case with medical technology. That so much technology is available to the consumer simply through the readily accessible smartphone aids in the consumer’s mental well being, too. With the invention of smartphones, the consumer can now depict his entire visual reality in real-time with his family, spouse, or friends in real-time on his lunch break. This type of technology is astounding and it helps the consumer to stay in connection with loved ones throughout the entire day. 

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Nutrition and Technology

Additionally, technology has aided the general population with nutritional health. It is because of technology that we can eat fresh lettuce, drink cold refreshing milk, and open up a box of toasted rice cereal. Technology is used in the growing of food in the form of machines used to till the soil and it is also used in the processing of food before packaging. Technology is used to transport fresh produce from farm to grocery or market. It is also used in factories to packages our food. It is because of technology that there is even food on the table, especially for those who live in cities without access to land.

Technology today is like nothing before it. Let’s see what the next twenty years will bring to us through technological advances.