5 Ways Technology is BringingInnovation in Healthcare

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The intervention of technology in human lives is changing it for all the reasons. Every single day we hear news about how technological interventions will change the course of the human future. From the first electric bulb creation to video streaming via smartphones, we have already come a long way.

Technology Progress and Digital Human

The fact is that technology is everywhere and we can’t help it except becoming a part of this revolution. This fast-paced growth is bringing changes in every sector of our lives. Construction industry to the sector of education, every single walk of life is getting affected by technology.

Healthcare is one among them. Just like all other sectors, technology intervention in healthcare is quite common and evident. The trend of digital healthcare was strengthened when the world witnessed the COVID pandemic. Virtual consultation, getting remote testing facilities and telemedicine are some of the key highlights of this combination of health and technology.

How Technology is Bringing Innovation to Healthcare?

Not only do we see people adopting this trend but also healthcare services providers putting in all their efforts to stand out from the crowd. One such recently seen example is the shifting of healthcare facilities from conventional hospital work-frame to modern-day hospital management system. These systems provide them with better control over the structural and functional management of their healthcare facilities. Let’s see how technology intervention has changed the healthcare sector for good.

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1- AI in healthcare

The role of AI in healthcare has been discussed for a long time. AI is a replacement to conventional practices of medical analysis. These practices were solely dependent upon human abilities. Human involvement presents the risk of error leading to poor analysis and bad decision making. This can be dangerous for a patient’s health.

However, with the use of AI in healthcare, we are getting better at medical treatment and diagnosis because of the involvement of automated programs and computers that think like humans. So, AI is the future of healthcare that will result in better healthcare services.

2- Virtual visits to physician

You can get sick anywhere and anytime. You might be present in some areas where there are no proper facilities for the treatment of patients. In this case, it becomes really difficult for the patient to get the proper treatment. But this is no more a problem with technology.

You can sit in your home and connect to the best doctors across the world and get the best consultation accordingly. This only makes treatment more accessible but also minimizes the cost of visiting a doctor and saves you a great deal of time.

3- Virtual reality

Just like telehealth and AI, virtual reality is another aspect of technology advancement in healthcare. Virtual reality, just as the name says, is the use of computers to create scenarios that may seem real, making patients more connected to their environment than before. This modern technology is widely used nowadays to give patients exposure to any upcoming medical procedure they are more likely to experience. Another benefit of VR is its use in pain management etc.

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4- Easy lab testing and medicinal aid

Any proper diagnosis or treatment is incomplete without lab testing and medicine. What if I tell you that technology has covered it as well. Yes, you got me right. You can simply use your smartphone or another device to book a lab test or get your medicine delivered to your doorstep. All these services are possible because of technology intervention in healthcare that is making patient’s lives easier.

5- Robotic procedures

Medical procedures are an integral part of any treatment problem. Most treatment plans are medicinal and rarely need surgery. However, what if you have a robot that could perform your surgery. Yes, it is quite possible and all thanks to the technology that is changing the healthcare sector. Now we are having the robots that are specialized to perform the surgical operations and help you recover soon.

Bottom Line!

Technology progress is insane and our healthcare sector is also getting affected by this. Technology has covered all the major areas of healthcare and is committed to the provision of the best healthcare facilities, So, what are you waiting for? Your bright and healthy future is just in front of you (or your mobile screen)!