Significant iOS Enterprise Security vulnerabilities that IT should be Aware off

Cyber Security

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For years now, iOS has been considered as the most secure mobile OS. Apple was considered as the prime enterprise due to its ultimate feature to present unmatched security. Apparently, it is a practice for mobile admins that they require to apply different approaches for iOS and Android security as both the OSes face variant threats. This post will comprise of latest featuring effects of how IT can mitigate iOS enterprise security apprehensions.

The facts cannot be denied but surely it should be applauded that Android over the years has improvised and improved its security remarkable with key innovations such as Google Play Protect. Acting out as an answer and a prominent emphasis that shows how seriously Android enterprise developments. Both iOS and Android are viable from a perception of security. Making it crucial for IT professionals to be cognizant of the threats that devices in their fleet could face.

Apple device admins should surely take account of the major iOS enterprise security vulnerabilities and the coverings that exist for such issues when encountered. Due to the threats residing it is always important to stay taped to the overall security of the OS. So that the issues can be catered by the IT specialists to manage their mobile fleet to the best prevention and protection possible.  

Specifically in the present time when spoken of security in mobile apps most certainly RetroCube is seen as one of the finest mobile app development company residing. As it considers security through every aspect, to provide the utmost secure interface possible. For its very prime contribution, RetroCube was even mentioned in an article from Forbes as an app development company that takes the highest consideration of security protection.

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Navigating iOS vulnerabilities           

A recent release of Apple which was iOS 12.4 is most evidently highlighting the ongoing issues that are being faced by iMessage.  Few iMessage exploits were crashed when iPhone users had begun to attain certain strings of characters. A new iOS vulnerability encountered avoids iPhone users from responding to iMessages after receiving this character string. The problem is not even resolved with a reset to the device unless it is factory reset as it the only way to recover the device.  

Approximately half of all the solutions provided by Apple in the iOS 12.4 address requirements the execution of arbitrary codes. Maximum of these vulnerabilities were discovered by researchers. Which yet hasn’t been weaponized by hackers as it is often experienced that CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) are blueprints used to exploit unpatched systems. Though in 2019, Android and iOS have patched 440 security vulnerabilities.

A defining benefit of Apple’s iOS enterprise security is the fact that it has a superior OS to imply updates to create endpoint results. The recent version of iOS permits the iPhone admin to enact 90 days waiting period before the latest version is allowed to be updated on the enterprise device. Which provides enough time for the malware writers to conveniently work within the time frame of 90 days.

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When spoken of Business Apps, Apple is the leading entity in terms of the mobile device and iOS Enterprise market. The data users on iOS devices carry a worth of the efforts as for the hackers it becomes hard to develop exploits even in a scenario where the exploit is for a precise or limited time. Unless in a case where the enterprise has custom apps that have a need for testing with every new OS update. Making a better practice to run OS updates to the mobile endpoint immediately after the release.

iOS enterprise security vulnerabilities in apps       

The formation of the iOS device is also an area of concern. As many securities obligated businesses require some sort of data protection to their emails to prevent from phishing emails to reach till the users. In most mobiles, the end-to-end encryption enables the hacker to send a SMiShing message or messages via a third party application to the users without having to use the phishing filter. An IT may not be able to detect the phishing alert until have clicked the malicious link.

The practice of having an adaption to EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) tools is yet quite less in comparison to the rate of adoption to the laptop and desktop management tools are relatively much higher. This practice of having a lack of comprehensive management controls for mobiles is a key reason that results in a hacker’s interest to the siphon for easily accessible data/ info from these unprotected devices.

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Being a third party messaging app WhatsApp this year had experienced two major vulnerabilities. The first vulnerabilities encounter found the attackers to install spyware on a device by simply calling on it. Now by the hacker calling even if the user doesn’t answer nor will the user receive a missed call notification but will have been affected by the attacker’s approach.

The second vulnerability allowed the hacker to alter a conversation by tampering with the user’s message and also change the sender’s identification. The further vulnerabilities made haven’t been explicit and have been kept exploitable. Though there is a secure enterprise messaging system as well on WhatsApp which requires paid services from them. Numerous businesses avail WhatsApp on their mobile devices from their paid services for further convenient and better services.

Even though these things may seem or present an impression that iOS enterprise security may not be efficient enough due to these threats which aren’t quite correct. Since IT professionals or specialist can mitigate these threats and the possible damages that can be caused by these vulnerabilities via the assistance of EMM and mobile threat defense tools.

Even Apple is taking consistent consideration to the vulnerabilities and is working on it hastily. To assist mobile admins and to recover from vulnerabilities quicker Apple has much recently announced the incorporation of Security Research Device Program which is to be introduced in the coming year. Apple has also increased the payment reward for exploit discoveries and bug bounties. Which most certainly has enlarged the scope of people who would like to bag the bounty.