7 lessons I learned when I started my own SEO company

Digital Marketing

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In this article, you will learn 7 lessons I learned as an owner of an SEO company. However,  if you are an SEO company, these 7 lessons are applicable to you as well.

I started out with my own SEO company in 2010 myself after I quit my job at a telecommunication firm. It was an exciting journey because when I worked for the telecommunication firm, “SEO” was not mainstream yet although it has been around for a long time.

In fact, around this time when I started my SEO company, many webmasters and online marketers were still doing manual link building by going to school or mall with a big poster board and asking companies “Do you want more traffic from Google?”

After less than a year of starting out in the field of Search Engine Optimization by myself, I have grown this company into one of the leading singapore seo.

I have helped several well-known brands to rank higher on Google by applying white hat SEO techniques. My clients are usually either existing eCommerce companies that wanted to expand their product lines or traditional offline businesses that want to move into the eCommerce space (such as retail shops, restaurants and etc).

However, let’s explore the lessons.

1) I used to think that SEO was just about keywords and links:

I didn’t realize that it’s much broader than that; keyword research is important for finding the right kind of traffic and building the right kind of content.

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2. Now, I know the importance of keyword research:

Keyword research helps you learn about the types of searches that people are performing and shows you what kind of content to create in order to get your site ranked higher.

3. When you’re starting out, it’s important to do your research before you dive in headfirst:

It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of being a business owner, but it’s important to do a little research first because there could be hidden costs that you didn’t think about.

4. It’s also important to network with other entrepreneurs who are doing what you want to do:

If I hadn’t networked with other SEOs when I was starting out, I probably would have lost motivation because I wouldn’t have known that there are so many other people just like me!

5. You should always be learning new things:

Don’t fall into a routine because it will keep your mind open and make you more creative!: Learning is an ongoing process that doesn’t stop when you graduate or get a job. Don’t ever stop learning!

6) The best way to stay motivated is by setting goals for yourself and working towards them every day (even if they seem small):

If you want something, you have to work towards it every day until you reach your goal. You can’t give up halfway through or else you’ll never accomplish anything!  7. You have to be a self-learner:

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How you learn is just as important as what you learn because that means that the knowledge will last longer. If you only use Wikipedia, for example, then after a few months, those things might not work anymore!

If you practice what you learned, it’ll make it easier for you to remember and use that knowledge in the future.

7) If there’s one thing I’ve learned from running my own business, it’s that you should never give up!: When things get tough, don’t give up – work harder!

An SEO company owner who specializes in helping other businesses with their Online Marketing. His knowledge of SEO comes from years of experience and teaching others how to optimize their websites to get the most traffic possible. He is also an avid gamer, anime watcher, and manga reader.

If you are interested in learning more about SEO or want to have your website optimized for free, you can contact him here.

While working for a telecommunication company might not sound all that exciting, it allowed me to gain valuable experience when it comes to working with people. I also received a lot of training and coaching from my superiors, which allowed me to learn how to be a better manager as well as gave me the ability to manage people more effectively.

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Something that I learned is that it is important for managers (or anyone in a leadership role) to make sure that the company can motivate their team and fully understand their role in the company.

I also learned that managers should help their teams come up with solutions to problems rather than always having the answer themselves; this helps keep motivation high and makes people feel like they are an integral part of the team.

Beyond management, one of my favorite parts of working for a telecommunication company was receiving technical training.

I learned a lot about the hardware and software that the company used which gave me a good foundation when it came to understanding what was going on in my computer. This knowledge also helped me when I had problems with my personal laptop because it taught me how to troubleshoot potential issues myself.