Rental Cancellation Letter: What to Write?


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 FAC SIMILE and Model Usable for Termination of the Lease Agreement!

The rental cancellation letter must be prepared and sent in case of termination of the agreement with the landlord in a situation of early termination of the lease.

We keep in mind that leases, both for residential and commercial use, are divided into contracts of 4 plus 4, with a rent agreed with particular facilitations, in 3 plus 2 , transitional contracts for university students or off-site workers, from a minimum of 30 days to a maximum of 18 months.

How to leave a rented house? How to get around?

The rental cancellation letter (or rental contract cancellation letters) must always respect certain times and can only be accepted if there are serious causes established by law.

In this article team of Lahore smart city will explain how the cancellation of the rent works and we will provide you with facsimiles so that you can have all the info and tools you need.

The rental notice from the tenant

The termination of the lease by the tenant must be made by sending a written communication to the landlord by registered letter.

The letter of cancellation of the rental contract must be sent 6 months before the date on which you want to leave the rented property.

In this case the contract data must be indicated in the letter of termination of the rental contract, the date of conclusion of the contract, the date from which the withdrawal must be considered, an indication of the serious reasons for which the cancellation.

In addition, the letter of cancellation of the house rental must contain an invitation to the owner of the property to go a few days before the end of the contract to make an assessment of the conditions of the house. The landlord must be asked to return the deposit. And nova city has made sure that these contracts are to be taken care of as soon as possible.

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The notice of early rent termination must end with the signature of the tenant who sends it by registered letter with return receipt.

The serious reasons why the tenant can cancel the rent can be different:

  • problems affecting the infrastructure of the rented property , when the tenant is not aware of them;
  • economic trends of the tenant’s company which can be both favorable and unfavorable, which occur suddenly and require the expansion or reduction of the company itself;
  • lack of administrative authorization to carry out an activity in the property in agreement with the lessor.
  • It should also be written in the form that the property will be returned to the owner free from people or things, after 6 months have passed from the receipt of the letter.

· Termination of the rental contract by the landlord

  • The lessor, before the lease contract of a property for residential or commercial use expires, may have the option not to renew the contract.
  • In this case he must send a letter to the tenant by registered mail with at least 6 months’ notice.

The reasons why the landlord can request early termination of the rental contract are different:

  • if the property must be destined for another use, which can be residential, commercial, professional, both for the landlord himself and for the spouse, parents, children or relatives up to the second degree;
  • if the lessor as a company or public body or as another organization that pursues public, social, welfare or cultural purposes wants to allocate the property to the exercise of these activities (offering the tenant another property suitable for his needs);
  • if the property is part of a seriously damaged building that needs to be rebuilt or needs to be secured;
  • if the leased property must be demolished to proceed with the construction of new buildings;
  • if the tenant occupies the property without a justified reason or without legitimate succession in the contract;
  • if the lessor wants to sell the property to a third party and has no other residential properties. In this situation the tenant can exercise the right of first refusal.
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Cancellation of the rental contract for residential use

These indications are valid for contracts 4 plus 4, for contracts with an agreed fee and for those of a transitory nature.

The model must indicate the object, which must have the following definition: “Cancellation of a lease contract for residential use (or commercial use)”.

You contact directly indicating the name and surname of the tenant and refer to the lease agreement concerning the property located in a specific address, which must be written.

The start and expiry date of the lease must be indicated. The landlord must indicate the need to obtain the availability of the property and must specify the reason for denying the renewal of the contract.

He then invites the tenant to indicate the methods with which he intends to provide for the release of the accommodation. The landlord specifies that the deposit will be released to the tenant after the outcome of the verification of the condition of the property. At the end he indicates the place and date and signs the letter.

Termination of a commercial lease contract

The form to be used also applies to commercial leases, when the landlord does not want to renew the contract, again for the reasons established by the regulations in force. Also in this case, reference can be made to wanting to use the property as a home for oneself, for the spouses or for relatives up to the second degree.

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Alternatively, it is possible to demand the release of the property because the lessor himself, the spouse or second degree relatives need to carry out a specific activity.

The landlord can also request the release of rented premises for commercial use, if he has to demolish it in order to rebuild it or to completely renovate it.

Another reason that can assert the right to repossess the rented property to the landlord is the will to renovate to make the premises used for sale compliant with the provisions of the relative municipal plans.

Word cancellation letter: downloadable version

As we have anticipated before, in addition to providing you with all the information you need to avoid making mistakes, Team of Blue World City want to provide you with a tool that you will surely need, namely the form or facsimile cancellation of the rental contract.