Pros and Cons of an Inpatient Treatment Center


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When it comes to addiction, the best remedy is an inpatient treatment center. There are some addicts out there who believe that an inpatient treatment center is not going to help them to overcome their addiction, but some people need more help than others to overcome addiction demons. Sometimes, this means forgoing one to one therapy while still in their home, and it means checking in to an inpatient treatment center to get that concentrated care and attention.

The best treatment outcome is the one that sees someone into recovery and healthy enough to be able to go home to their friends and family, and in this article, we’re going to discuss some of the pros and cons of inpatient treatment center recovery and help.

Treatment Duration

Did you know that treatment typically lasts for more than a month in an inpatient treatment center? The pros of this are evident in that these extended stays allow someone dealing with addiction enough time to recover properly. For some people, their treatment in an in-patient center is going to last up to two years and beyond. The time that is needed to get through treatment and move into recovery varies person to person, but the time spent in a facility outside their usual environment can make a huge difference to their recovery rate. Those who struggle to stay in that recovery phase can benefit from the extended time in an inpatient treatment center.


The cons are of course about the lack of time with family and friends. These are usually the support bubble, but when it gets to the point that someone asks for inpatient treatment center help, it’s usually the case that the support bubble is just not quite enough to help them to overcome the addiction. It is, however, important to consider whether you are the breadwinner in your home. Being away for an extended period just may not be realistic for your family.


The phase of detox and withdrawal is a tough one in addiction patients. In an inpatient treatment center, the process itself is monitored closely one on one by doctors, nurses, and therapists. The withdrawal process can be very difficult for the body and being under the watchful eye of professionals as you go through it can be very helpful! The around the clock care is invaluable. On the cons side of the argument, many of the support options for those detoxing can be done at home in an environment that is supportive and less restrictive

Intensive Therapy

In an inpatient treatment center, there is a focus on intensive therapy to help a patient to work through the steps of the program. You can access the best therapists, doctors, and medical staff possible when you need them to support you. Meanwhile, there are also online suboxone doctors who can help you if you want to be treated at the comfort of your own home while being given effective treatment programs as well. The intensive counseling can help you to get through the withdrawal in one piece. The cons here are that if you want to be treated and supported in your own environment, you should be able to get that help.

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