MacBook Won’t Turn On? Here’s What to Do

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We’ve all been there before—you try to turn on your MacBook and nothing happens. You think it might be a fluke, so you try again…but still nothing. No matter what you do, the screen won’t come to life. If this is happening to you right now, don’t despair! You just need to know what steps to take in order to get your MacBook back up and running. In this blog post, we will discuss some common causes of why your MacBook won’t turn on and how to fix them. Read on for more information!

Check the power source

If your MacBook won’t turn on, the first thing you should do is check the power source. Make sure that the power cord is securely plugged into the wall outlet and that the MagSafe adapter is properly connected to the power port on your MacBook. If you’re using a battery backup, make sure it has enough power to provide juice to your MacBook.

Once you’ve checked the power source, try resetting the SMC (System Management Controller). To do this, shut down your MacBook and unplug it from the power source. Then, press and hold down the left Shift key + Control key + Option key along with the power button for 10 seconds. Release all keys and then plug your MacBook back in to see if it turns on.

Check for physical damage

If your MacBook won’t turn on, the first thing you should do is check for physical damage. If there are any signs of damage, such as a cracked screen or water damage, you will need to take it to MacBook repair center.

If there is no physical damage, the next step is to check the power supply. Make sure that the power cord is plugged into a working outlet and that the MagSafe connector is securely attached to the power port on your MacBook.

If your MacBook still won’t turn on, the next step is to reset the SMC (System Management Controller). To do this, first shut down your MacBook. Then, disconnect the power cord and remove the battery. Press and hold the power button for 5 seconds. Reconnect the power cord and battery, then press the power button to turn on your MacBook.

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Try resetting the SMC

If your MacBook won’t turn on, one thing you can try is resetting the SMC. The SMC (system management controller) is responsible for managing a variety of low-level hardware functions, so resetting it can sometimes fix issues like this.

To reset the SMC, first shut down your MacBook. Then, connect the power adapter and press and hold the Shift+Control+Option keys along with the power button for about 10 seconds. Release all the keys and then press the power button again to turn on your MacBook.

If this doesn’t work, try resetting the PRAM/NVRAM next.

Try resetting the NVRAM/PRAM

If your MacBook won’t turn on, one thing you can try is resetting the NVRAM/PRAM. This will reset any settings that are stored in these memory chips, and can sometimes fix issues with startup or display problems.

To reset the NVRAM/PRAM:

1. Shut down your MacBook.
2. Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously as you turn on your MacBook.
3. Keep holding the keys down until you hear the startup sound for a second time. At this point, you can let go of the keys and allow your MacBook to finish booting up as normal.

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If resetting the NVRAM/PRAM doesn’t fix your issue, then you may want to try some of the other solutions in this article.

Run Apple Diagnostics

If your MacBook won’t turn on, the first thing you should do is run Apple Diagnostics. This will help identify any hardware issues that may be causing your MacBook to malfunction. To do this, simply hold down the D key while turning on your MacBook. Keep holding the D key until you see the Apple Diagnostics screen appear. Once the diagnostics are complete, you’ll be able to see if there are any issues with your MacBook’s hardware. If no issues are found, then you can move on to troubleshooting other potential causes for your MacBook’s won’t turn on issue.

Contact Apple Support

If your MacBook won’t turn on, don’t panic! There are a few things you can try to get it up and running again. First, make sure that the power cord is plugged in and that the outlet is working. Next, try resetting the SMC (System Management Controller). If that doesn’t work, you can try resetting the NVRAM (Non-Volatile RAM). If none of those solutions work, then you may need to take your MacBook to an Apple Store or an authorized service provider for further diagnosis.

If your MacBook still won’t turn on, there are a few other things you can try:

-Resetting the PRAM/NVRAM: This will reset your Mac’s memory and could fix the issue.

-Checking for loose connections: Make sure all of the cables connected to your Mac are secure.

-Trying a different power outlet: Plug your Mac into a different power outlet to see if that makes a difference.

-Inspecting the battery: If you have an external battery, make sure it’s properly connected. If you have a built-in battery, you may need to take your Mac to an Apple Store or authorized service provider for help.

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If your MacBook won’t turn on, don’t panic. There are several steps you can try to troubleshoot the issue and get your device back up and running in no time. Make sure to check the power connection first, and then reset SMC or NVRAM if necessary. If all else fails, take it to an Apple Store for assistance from one of their trained technicians. By following these steps, you should be able to get your MacBook working again quickly and easily!