IP telephony: features and benefits

Cloud Technology

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IP telephony is a unique, one of the most modern Internet communication systems that provides reliable transmission of voice signals over the vast Internet network or over any other IP subnets. This is a term that denotes not only the transmission of voice, but also the fax, partially or completely over any kind of packet networks based on the IP protocol. 

What does the abbreviation IP mean? If we read this word in its entirety, then we get that IP is the Internet Protocol – the so-called protocol of internetworking between users. There is another term equivalent to the concept of IP telephony, the same new invention. This is the term Voice over IP, abbreviated as VoIP. Internet telephony is, so to speak, a narrower concept in the sense that the very role of the transport medium is the multi-user Internet. IP networks have a huge number of features,

  • IP networks eliminate any physical boundaries that are associated with traditional telephony and all its features.
  • Ultra-high reliability of communication, which is due to the highest level of quality and reliability of transmission of any information over LAN and WAN networks.
  • IP networks are built on a number of unique global standards.
  • IP networks do not depend in any way on a particular transport medium.
  • The Internet Protocol can be carried over Ethernet, ATM, ISDN, Frame Relay, and even any analog lines.
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Reasons for choosing and advantages of IP-telephony

Today, scientific advances allow us to support voice communications using a wide variety of options and technologies. Modern communications companies in this area are using a real mix of ways, ranging from traditional communications, mobile communications, the Internet and more.

Today, the world of communications is actually undergoing a radical change, thanks to the inclusion of so-called IP telephony, which is being expanded with the support of such leading developers as Cisco Systems and Avaya Flare Experience, as well as leading equipment manufacturers such as Alcatel, Nortel Networks, Matra, Samsung, LG and many others.

The advancement and expansion of this technology is not accidental, as IP telephony provides a number of critical benefits, both for those who offer services and for the users who use them.

But before generalizing what are the fundamental reasons for the effectiveness and economic viability of using IP-telephony, we must clarify that this term comes from the technology of voice over Internet Protocol, better known as VoIP. This technology consists of a certain set of means that allow carrying a voice signal over the Internet using the IP protocol, that is, the Internet protocol. Its main feature is the fact of delivery of a speech signal in digital format, encoded and encrypted in appropriate packets.

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In any case, it is very important to make a significant distinction in this case between VoIP, which refers to the technology that enables the transmission of voice over IP, and IP telephony, which is primarily a public telephone service based on VoIP technology.