Interesting Facts about Canada’s Gambling Industry

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Gambling has been around for ages, but the dates of the first documented act of gambling remain subjects of controversy. Evidence has been found in numerous places worldwide, such as China, Egypt, Greece, Italy, and Japan, with some dating as far back as 2000BC. Since then, gambling has expanded globally with new games, technologies, and new ways to play.

That much history comes with its own set of mysteries. Below, we will go through the highlights of the Canadian industry and how it has impacted the country.

The Evolution of the Canadian Gambling Industry

Canada ranks among the world’s most popular gambling nations, but it wasn’t always thus. Under the Canadian Criminal Code, the newly independent government prohibited all kinds of gambling throughout the country in 1892.

In 1910, restrictions were lifted for the general public by allowing horse racing and betting without the necessity for charity. This gambling ban remained in effect for eight years until games of luck, such as Bingo and raffles, were legalized, but only for charity purposes. Until 1925, the general public was allowed to participate in Bingo and raffles at state fairs, but everything else was prohibited.

Over 70 years after the first ban, the law was amended to allow the public to play lottery games such as slots. The increase of berths subsequently supported the 1974 Olympics. Finally, in 1985, all gambling laws were lifted, legalizing the casino sector across the country. In 1989, Winnipeg opened the first land-based casino, which helped shape the sector into what it is today.

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Currently, gambling is one of the country’s biggest entertainment sector, employing approximately 267,000 people in both casinos online Canada and physical casinos.

Gambling Demographics

Even though ladies bet extensively, men make up the vast majority of gamblers, accounting for 80% of all gamblers in Canada. The majority of gamblers are young people in college or just starting out in their jobs. One of the reasons gambling is so popular in Canada is that practically all casinos allow online gaming.

Online gambling is less expensive than visiting a traditional casino and is also more convenient. However, there is an intriguing statistic concerning gambling in Canada: even though men make up the majority of gamblers, women use their phones more than men. In fact, Canada is the only place in the world where female mobile-based online gamblers exceed male mobile-based online gamblers. 55% of female gamblers use their mobile phones.

Player ages and preferences

According to statistics, people between the ages of 35 and 50 are the most likely to gamble in Canada. Despite this, there are a considerable number of young adults that bet. The only difference between these gamblers is their age.

It may seem insignificant, but younger gamers prefer more active gaming options, especially online. Older adults, those aged 40 and above, enjoy quieter and more relaxing activities such as Bingo. However, there is one exception to this rule. Slot machines are popular among both young and the elderly. Slot machines are said to have become popular in the second half of the twentieth century due to the hype surrounding them.

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With those interesting facts, it’s hardly surprising that Canadian gamers spend far more than their neighbors – almost $825 per person yearly.