Improve Revenue Cycle with Athenahealth EMR 6.0


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If you’re interested in the best Athenahealth EMR Reviews or Athenahealth EHR systems, then read on! There are numerous reasons why all doctors love Athenahealth EMR. The top reason all physicians love Athenahealth EHR is that it provides outstanding solutions to all of the challenges physicians face daily. It’s all about making sure that all patients get the best care possible. Here are some of the things that make an Athenahealth EHR so much better than the generic EHR system:

First, Athenahealth EHR offers

superior medical billing and client scheduling options. EMR and EHR solutions from Athenahealth include many robust features that allow you to manage your practice more efficiently and effectively. For instance, Athenahealth EMR allows you to schedule appointments online with your medical billing service easily, so you can spend more time taking care of your patients. In addition, Athenahealth EMR allows for integrating a practice management software solution, which can simplify your practice management and EMR processes. Finally, Athenahealth EHR provides a full range of online resources, including blogs and articles that discuss various topics related to healthcare and medical billing.

Second, Athena health provides

Its clients with a robust software program called Athenahealth Enterprise. This software program aims to provide all of the benefits of an EHR and Athena EMR at the same time but in a more complete and easier to implement package. For instance, when you utilize a 3rd party application to implement your Athena health EHR, you’ll likely have to pay additional license fees to the third party, which may reduce your overall savings. However, using a complete EHR solution from Athenahealth allows you to avoid licensing fees altogether, and you can use the entire suite of benefits offered by the software without having to pay additional licensing fees.

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Third, Athenahealth

Client Portal is designed to make it easier for medical practices to provide their patients access to their medical records. The client portal enables medical practices to provide the latest patient information and provide instantaneous access to patient charts and appointment calendars. In addition, the Athenahealth client portal also offers electronic patient reminders. These remind the patient of upcoming appointments and other important medical appointments, and they can be set up to send electronic email or voice messages. Additionally, the Athenahealth client portal can automatically add medical records to an individual’s file, and it can create custom medical files based on the needs of each patient.

Fourth, the Athenahealth

EMR 2.0 platform allows medical practices to manage the HIPAA Privacy Rule with greater ease and efficiency. The HIPAA Privacy Rule specifies how protected health information should be transmitted between different parties. When implemented correctly, this rule safeguards patients’ privacy who have rights to their medical records. However, Athenahealth has implemented many tools that make it easy for medical practices to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. For example, Athenahealth EMR 2.0 now includes a facility called Online Repository for Medical Records (ORM-MR), a searchable database that stores patient medical records for each provider.

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The fifth benefit

The Benefit is the new clinical workflow and appointment management tool Athenahealth EMR 5. The new tool is designed to improve the quality of care delivered by medical offices around the country. It also provides real-time access to patient records and enables the use of electronic billing. This improved clinical workflow and appointment management solution allows medical practices to create and update patient files in a fraction of the time while dramatically improving office attendance and patient satisfaction. This HIP 5 solution empowers medical practices to capitalize on their patient’s data while reducing paper waste and avoiding missed patient appointments and other healthcare expenses.

The sixth benefit Athenahealth

EMR 6.0 offers greater patient control. The new patient portal, or “patient portal” provided by Athenahealth, gives patients the ability to store, forward and print their EMR and healthcare bills in one place. This single portal can include detailed descriptions of the services they received, contact information, and an authorization process for electronic billing. Athenahealth EMR 6.0 improves the management of multiple healthcare accounts and improves the accuracy and security of patient billing. It also provides centralized support for payment and electronic medical record recovery while improving patient care delivery through more efficient and cost-effective processes and better communication with payers.

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Athenahealth EMR 6.0

Athenahealth EMR 6.0 is designed to enable a medical practice to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the shift from traditional office practices to an internet-driven business model. This HIP 6.0 solution provides greater patient control and improved revenue cycle management, and reduces unnecessary duplicate billing. It is designed to eliminate the need for billers to submit bills for the same procedure to multiple payers. Athenahealth EMR 6.0 also improves the accuracy and security of patient billing. In addition, it improves the revenue cycle of any medical practice that utilizes its new client-based billing services.