Imagine This – Autos From 3D Printer!

AutomationTech News

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The automotive industry is one of the main applications of 3D printing. World-famous industrial corporations, which are focused on the additive production of automotive components, are opening around the world. However, 3D printing for cars is becoming increasingly popular not only in professional circles, but also in a narrower environment. For example, many enthusiasts use for this purpose ordinary desktop FDM 3D printers. We are going to describe four examples of cars, which were already made by the 3D printers.

The world’s first car from a 3D printer

On March 11, 2019, the world’s first car, created entirely using a three-dimensional printer, was presented at the Shanghai Museum of 3D Printing. Ready-to-use vehicles appeared at the market at April. Designed by XEV Limited and Polymaker, the car was made from processed corn grain. The environmental friendliness of components is not the only innovation represented in this car. Additive technologies will reduce the factory assembly process by two-thirds, which will lead to cheaper production. LSEV, a car model, consists of 57 parts and it weighs 450 kilograms. By summer, the manufacturer had collected 7,000 orders from Europe. It is assumed that primarily such vehicles will be used in postal services.

3D-printed car by Honda Company

Honda introduced the first car in its history, the body parts of which were printed by a 3D printer. The premiere of a prototype developed jointly with technology Kabuku firm took place in Japan at CEATEC 2016. A car built on a light tube frame has only a place for the driver. The vehicle, which has a small cargo compartment in the rear of the body, is designed for courier services.

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Honda and Kabuku noted that 3D printing technology significantly reduces the cost and speeds up the production process, so the prototype is ideal for mass production. The car is equipped with an electric power plant and a set of batteries.

AccessibleOlli – 3D-printed car

Olli is a self-propelled bus developed by the American Local Motors company. It consists of two 3D printed carbon fiber housings mounted on an originally prepared chassis. The cab is capable of traveling at a maximum speed of 25 mph in a radius of 40 miles. Since this is three-dimensional printing, it may take only three months to design and create a new enclosure.  The project set itself the goal of creating the most affordable way of transport in the world for people with disabilities or limited mobility.

The created Olli vehicle is already operating and now IBM is turning to innovators all over the world to take part in creating the design of a self-propelled taxi. While they are still being developed, you can always rent a car at the service of Jeep rental Vancouver.

Strati car

At the International Manufacturing Technology Show in Chicago, the American Local Motors company staged an unusual demonstration. Within six days, while the exhibition was held, the company’s specialists were able to print the whole body of the car. Moreover, after the creation, the car was launched at the exhibition.

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In general, a Local Motors product called Strati is not the first car in the world to be printed on a 3D printer, but was first made in such a short time, in just a few days. Last year, engineer Jim Kor for the first time in the world showed a car printed on an Urbee 2 3D printer. This model weighed half the weight of a conventional car, but the developer assured that it was not inferior in strength to the steel structure. For the production of Strati, the Big Area Additive Manufacturing printer was used, which is characterized by a high printing speed: it is capable of printing up to 18 kg of ABS plastic per hour. Thus, in 6 days you can print a very large design. The Strati car consists of 40 parts. It must be assumed that it has a standard metal engine that is not made with the help of the printer.

It is worth noting that today it is not only a very common practice to use the 3D printer in automotive industry, but also quite effective one. The whole reason lies in the variety of features of 3D printing, as well as in f wide selection of available materials. In fact, on a 3D printer, you can make any workpiece in a short time from the plastic that suits your specific needs.

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