How to use Vape Juice: Should you mix it?


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Vaping is becoming increasingly popular. Projected as an alternative to smoking, vape is significantly better for your body as it does not contain harmful chemicals present inside cigarettes.

Vape consists of e-liquid, also known as a vape juice, which primarily drives the flavour of vape. The juice is burnt through the atomizer present inside the vape, which releases steam, giving a distinct aroma and smoke to the vape.

There are many forms of vape available. Cig-A Likes were the first generation vapes produced in the early 21st century. Following this, vape pens were introduced, which up till this date remains a popular choice amongst vape users. Shop for best vapes at Breazy.

Why Vaping?

Weed bape is a preferred choice amongst people owing to the numerous benefits it offers. It has been shown to reduce dependency on cigarettes. Further, vaping is also shown to reduce blood pressure and stress amongst users.

However, the most significant usage of vape for most users is the environmentally conscious choice offered by vapes. Vapes, unlike cigarettes, do not pollute the air or leave any harmful traces in the environment. Learn about different kinds of vapes and purchase the best vapes at Breazy.

Vape Juice

E liquids are the primary ingredient that gives the soul to the vape. The ability of vape to customize the user experience based on flavour and aroma is through its juice. Vape juice is a liquid that is burnt to release water vapour giving the name vape. The vape comes in many different flavours. Some of the most popular flavours are:-

  • Gummi Bear– It is one of the most consumed vape flavours in the world. Just like the name suggests, gummi bear taste like candy and give a sweet aroma and flavour.
  • Peach Green Tea– A sweet, aromatic flavour is the primary highlight of Peach Green Tea. It has other health benefits due to the addition of herbal ingredients in this vape flavour.
  • Watermelon Wave– Perfect for summers, watermelon wave fills your body with a dash of coolness. This flavour is characterized by a distinct texture and continues to remain a popular choice amongst vapers.

It’s essential to know about your vape flavour to choose what’s best for you. Shop for best vapes at Breazy.

Can You Mix Vape Flavors?

Contrary to popular belief, mixing different flavours of vape is harmless, and in fact, provides for a better experience. The primary reasons to mix different vape flavours are:-

  • Cheaper– There are many mixed vape flavours available on the market. However, they are expensive and do not offer a high amount of customizability. When it comes to homemade mix, you can choose the combination and proportion of your mixture at a cheap cost.
  • Enhanced Experience– While the flavours provided by vaping offer a unique experience, mixing different vape flavours lead to an enhanced experience as it products aroma, which you usually won’t get from traditional store-bought flavours.

Mixing vape flavours is a fun way to mix up your subsequent vaping sessions with all these in mind. There are many different flavours available in the market, and thus the possible combinations are vast.