How to prevent your eyelashes from falling out?

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It is known that eyelash extensions will not stay on your eyes forever and that eventually, they are gonna fall out. But what if this process comes across earlier than expected? There are a lot of mistakes that can be done by you or even your lash artist. So, the causes of lash extensions falling out and how to prevent it. To begin with, it is normal that lash extensions are falling out. On a daily basis, we lose 1 to 5 of our natural lashes. So, if you have eyelash extensions, it is quite regular for 1 to 5 lash to fall off together with your natural ones.The problem arises, when you start to lose a lot more. And there are quite a lot of reasons why this is happening. Source

Common Causes of Eyelash Loss

There are many reasons people can lose more lashes than average. If you’re not also losing hair from the eyebrows or scalp, eyelash loss may signal:

  • Irritation from cosmetics. Leaving eye makeup on too long, using and removing lash extensions and using eyelash curlers (heated or non-heated) can all harm lashes and speed up shedding. Eyelash loss can also stem from allergies to mascara and from glue used to apply eyelash extensions.
  • Blepharitis. Itchiness or burning accompanied by redness or swelling of the lids may indicate blepharitis. This is a condition that happens when clogged oil glands near the base of the eyelashes cause chronic inflammation and problems in the eyelash follicles.
  • Trichotillomania. This is a condition where emotional or psychological distress causes a person to pull out their own eyelashes habitually.
  • Skin cancer. More rarely, localized lash loss can be a symptom of a skin cancer on the eyelid. Cancer can interrupt eyelash growth as harmful cells spread.
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Other less common causes of lash loss include chronic or recurrent styes and chalazia, ocular rosacea or mite, bacterial or fungal infections in one or both eyes.

The truth is, there’s many contributing factors to lashes lasting a long time and this blog is here break it all down:

The most common: LASH GROWTH CYCLE !

Your lashes are shedding as part of their natural growth cycle, old lashes fall out and new ones grow through to take their place.

Anagen stage: The first stage of the eyelash cycle, the lashes are too short and delicate to support extensions.

Catagen Stage: Transition phase, the end of the active growth of the lash. Perfect phase to apply extensions on as it has the most longevity.

Telogen Stage: Final stage of the lash growth cycle, the lash is released and falls out.

What this means:

  • The average eyelash has a life expectancy of 8 – 12 weeks, meaning all of your lashes will eventually fall out within this timeframe. Thankfully, they don’t fall out all at once!
  • Hair growth is a natural process; the average person person will loose 1 – 5 eyelashes a day, up to 20% over a fortnight.
  • When your old lashes fall out, new lashes quickly shoot up and replace them – you won’t even notice the exchange.
  • When the old lashes fall out, your lash extensions will fall out with them! This is when you may notice “gaps” appearing in your lash line.
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How to prevent your eyelashes from falling out?


Along with cleaning your lashes daily, you’ll also want to make sure you brush your lashes every morning with a clean mascara wand. Why morning? While you’re sleeping, your lashes can tangle and flip to the side, so the secret to keeping them in place is to brush through and fluff them gently.

Eyelash Cleaning Process:

  • Use our oil-free and alcohol-free eyelash foaming cleanser formulated specifically for lash extensions.
  • Simply use your fingertips or a lash-cleansing brush to gently massage the cleanser into your lash line.
  • Rinse with fresh water until the cleanser and makeup residue is removed.


As a general rule of thumb for eyelash extension care, the less you mess with your lashes, the longer they will last. So, no rubbing, tugging, or plucking when you have lash extensions! If you do a lot of rubbing and messing with your lash line, this could cause your extensions to fall off prematurely.


When it comes down to it, making your extensions last longer boils down to keeping up with your lash refill appointments every two weeks.


Not all beauty products are okay to use with lash extensions. Be sure to stay away from waterproof mascara and any oil- or alcohol-based products or cosmetics. And yes, this includes any moisturizers with oil that are applied around the eyes.

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To keep your lashes healthy, wash your face and eyelids daily with gentle soap and water. Glands in the eyelid naturally lubricate lashes, so lotions and conditioners are not necessary unless lashes feel excessively dry. A healthy diet including proteins, fruits, vegetables and sufficient iron will also help with the health and maintenance of long, full eyelashes.