How To

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More than 90% of the water from your city’s municipal comes from the well.

God, even most homeowners in the USA now have a Well on their property.

Though sourcing your water from a Well can be cost-effective, fast, and easy, Well water gets polluted faster.

And you don’t want to expose your family and yourself to the possible risks. Right?

But you don’t have to worry as long as you have a well water filtration system in place.

See down below for the 3 ways to make your well-water drinkable.

Why You Need To Be Careful

Well water contains different chemicals like chlorine and volatile organic chemicals. Chlorine damages the cells of the body and is a known carcinogen.

Water from the well also contains a lot of heavy metals like lead and mercury. Lead is known to cause cancer, mental retardation, learning disabilities, kidney and nerve damage, as well as behavioral disorders.

There are also a lot of pathogens in water that carry different water-borne diseases like E.coli, cholera, typhoid, rotavirus, hepatitis A&E, and amoebiasis. These diseases worsen and may develop into diarrhea. So, you see why untreated Well water is especially dangerous for you and your family.

Common Ways of making Well Water Drinkable

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There are three common ways of making well water drinkable and for use at home. These are filtration, reverse osmosis, and distillation.

  1. Filtration
  2. Reverse osmosis
  3. Distillation.


Filtration uses a physical and/or chemical barrier to help purify H2O. In order to be effective, a series of filtration methods are needed to eliminate all kinds of H2O contaminants. Carbon filtration, sub-micron filtration, and ion exchange are among the most effective means of producing safe, clean water.

Carbon filtration effectively removes chlorine, VOCs, and heavy metals. Carbon is a very absorbent material that can eliminate bad taste and odor as well. Sub-micron filtration ensures that microorganisms are unable to pass through, greatly reducing the risk of water-borne diseases.

Ion exchange makes sure that the water tastes good and that the essential minerals are retained. It is one of the cost-effective ways of purifying H2O and it requires little maintenance.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis uses a semi-permeable membrane to separate the contaminants. Since molecule size is the basis for entry to the other side of the membrane, substances that have smaller molecules than H2O molecules like chlorine and VOC’s are able to go through the other side of the membrane. It removes minerals in water and can make water taste bad.

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Distillation is another way to purify water. This is a very slow process of making clean water and is also wasteful of water. It is also an expensive method which can make the water taste flat because of the elimination of minerals.

Now that you know how to purify well water the best and easiest way to purify well water is to use a quality water filter that uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange, and sub-micron filtration. After extensive research, that is absolutely the best type of water filter you can buy. They are not expensive if you buy directly from the manufacturer.

However, there can be serious problems over the quality and drinkability of well water that could lead many people to look for ways to make well water drinkable to make sure they protect the health of themselves and their family.

Choosing the right way to purify your water will ensure that your family stays healthy at all times. Well water purification systems can give those who live in the country peace of mind that their water is clean.