App Development

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There were times when only big players and leading corporations were investing in building mobile applications and today is the time where mobile applications have become a necessity that even newbies have also started to invest in the same.

Mobile usage has seemingly taken over our lives. People within the US spend 5 hours per day on their mobile devices.

92% of these hours are spent on mobile apps, while just 8% is on web browsers.

This means that it’ll take quite just a mobile-friendly website for your company to possess an efficient mobile strategy. Businesses are realizing this, and acting accordingly.

42% of small businesses already have a mobile app. An additional 30% of small business owners plan to build an app in the near future.

The Global Digitalization Is Impelling the Adoption of Mobile App Strategy

The advancement of mobile devices and custom android app development as well as iOS technologies has changed the scenario of expanding business upside down. The number of individuals using smartphones has incredibly changed over the past few years. People spend an honest amount of your time from their daily schedule scrolling various mobile applications – ranging from social media apps, gaming to shopping, lifestyle, etc. According to a survey, it is even proved that 75% of Americans spend more time checking their smartphones every hour than watching televisions and others.

Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

The growth and success of a business primarily depend on good communication, smart marketing plans along with engaging customer service, and management strategies. The mobile apps can make these facts easily accessible at any time and anywhere. All you need is an internet connection. With the expansion of smartphones and technologies, the range of varied applications has also increased rapidly.

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In simple terms, there is no doubt of the fact that mobile apps have made our lives more smooth and simple than in earlier days. With a single click, people can access their bank accounts without visiting the banks, buy new clothes, delicious foods, fresh veggies, and groceries at the doorstep, following morning or evening exercises has also become easy through numerous fitness apps available on the app stores, the space between two people staying apart has also curtail with the blessings of various social media apps. Apart from all these, managing your own business and office works has also become quite manageable through the easy and simple business managing apps.

There is no single reason for the fact of how mobile apps help your business rather there are numerous valid reasons that imply why utilizing mobile apps is best for your best for the glory of your business.

  1. Increased Client Visibility

Well targeting clients and customers through mobile apps is much easier. A good marketing plan is required so that people get your brand name flashing in front of their eyeballs while scrolling through the apps.

  1. Adding Customer Value

The main reason for developing a mobile app platform for your business is to develop and improve customer and client interaction related to your products and services.

  1. Direct Marketing

Mobile apps offer the best direct marketing opportunities for business leaders. You can get more and quick information about your customers by looking at their geographical locations. Also providing essential information about your products and services to the clients is also easy through mobile apps.

  1. Developing Brand Recognition
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With the help of a mobile app you can introduce your pre-existing brand, you can also take a majestic entry into the world of mobile applications with your new and latest business ideas. Improving your brand recognition is as important as growing your business. If people are not habitual to the name of your brand, there will be no sales and no sales means no growth. 

  1. Utilizing Social Media Platforms

Social media is another name for promoting your brand and involving customers from all across the world. Build up a matchless marketing plan so that the customers can have a look at your brand and products while chatting with friends or scrolling through the timeline and stories. This will increase their attentiveness to log in to your app and explore what brilliant services and products you are selling. 

  1. Rising Customer Loyalty

For every business creating a public loyalty is a must as it is going to hold your customers for a long time and make them come back to make a purchase. This will happen only when you on a regular basis keep reminding your customers about your brand existence and notify them about special rates and discounts along with the latest products and services that you have added.

  1. Keeping Originality

Well, to sustain in the high competition of today’s world you will have to keep your originality and unique traits to make a difference among all the other apps and technologies. You need to capture the market before your competitors do to make your business stand out of the crowd from numerous other brands and apps.

  1. Growing Customer Involvement
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The more customers drive towards your mobile app, the more your business will shoot up by making sales to an unprecedented level. It is, therefore, your responsibility to work a better marketing plan to engage, attract and involve your customers. 

  1. Getting Appreciation

Everyone wants to get a profitable business outcome and for that getting customer appreciation to your products and services is a must. No matter how small or big your organization is – getting legitimate customer appreciation is the most effective way to think about more unique ideas and implement those into your business. And appreciations do leave an observable impact on your business growth. 


There are a number of things in this modern world that are making our daily life simpler. The invention of smartphones and mobile apps is one amongst them. If you want your business to flourish in an exclusive way and long-term customer engagement then investing in developing a prompt mobile app will be an intelligent step. However, developing a strong mobile app isn’t as easy as it seems. You are required to partner with a proficient mobile app Development Company like Mobcoder who work in various domains creating custom android app development, cross platform app development. The simple, fast and smooth mobile application with your brand name, products and services will surely give you success in the long run. 

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