Getting Ready For These Upcoming Technology Trends in 2021

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There was a lot to dislike about 2020. However, you can’t deny that it was a year in which we really began to appreciate the importance (and future potential) of technology. Many tech stocks gained as much as 50% in value over the course of the year.

With that in mind, it looks like 2021 could be an even bigger year for technological development. Investment in the tech industry is at an all-time high, and people have begun to really understand the importance of technological innovation.

However, it’s not necessarily obvious what direction that will take us in. In the past, attempts to forecast the direction technological advancement will take have often been sorely mistaken.

That said, we’ll do our best. Read on to learn about the likely technology trends 2021 will bring.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence will begin to take over from human operatives in many ways in the coming years. Driving jobs, for example, will soon be done by machines, as will basic factory functions.

We won’t see AI take over to that extent in 2021. However, you can expect to see AI continue its development in areas like machine learning and automated software functionality.

Same-Day Delivery

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The COVID-19 pandemic drove a lot of people toward online shopping who had probably never used it before. Quite simply, people had no other option than to buy things online, as physical stores posed too much of a risk in terms of viral spread.

One drawback of this is slow delivery. For this reason, you can expect to see companies working harder to mobilize their offerings more quickly in 2021. Same-day or next-day delivery will soon become the norm.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Our laptops and phones are always connected to the internet nowadays. Moving forward, our kettles, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, freezers, and vehicles will be as well. Again, 2021 might not complete this process, but it will get us closer to that destination than we’ve ever been before.

Alternative Payment Methods

You’ve probably heard the saying; “cash is king.” Well, not anymore. Expect to see online payment methods explode in popularity in 2021.

This means contactless payment via phones and smartwatches as well as cards. We’re also likely to see a massive increase in the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based payment solutions.

Entertainment Technology

Not all tech trends are for businesses or essential household functions. We’re likely to see huge upgrades in the way we access entertainment, such as music and video content, as well.

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Staying Ahead of the Technology Trends 2021 Will Bring

The technology trends 2021 will bring are diverse in nature. However, they will all make our lives either easier or more enjoyable. In short, they’re to be welcomed!

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