Cyber security, Cyber Space and its Security Issues

Cyber Security

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Cyber security issues have become an on-going struggle for businesses. The current research shows that there is a considerable increase in hacking and data breaching incidents that are committed from sources such as mobiles and IoT devices. 

The research also suggests that the majority of companies are vulnerable to insecure data and low-quality cyber security practices that give rise to data loss. To fight against this malicious intent, companies must include adequate awareness, prevention, and security practices in their work culture. Cyber degree hub is the online source for cyber security training courses. 

What is Cyber Space? 

It is an electronic medium for digital networks that are used for storing, modifying, and communicating information. Cyber space also includes the Internet, but other information systems support the businesses, related infrastructure, and services. Cyber space is extremely important for modern society. You must also know the difference between ndr vs edr vs xdr. The ability for performing web transactions secured is vital to the deliverance of public and commercial communications. Cyber degree hub is the ideal source for the students who look for making a career in cyber security

But this cyber space can be used for malicious intentions by some unscrupulous people and organizations for their benefit. They are called hostile actors who exploit cyber space for money laundering, espionage, or to disrupt normal activity, or for damaging the IT infrastructure. Find us at cyber degree hub. 

  1. Hostile actors: The hostile actors include hackers, cyber criminals, and cyber terrorists who exploit the cyber space for espionage or for damaging network attacks.
  2. Cyber espionage: It should be seen as an extension of general espionage. This process involves stealing data remotely, cheaply, or on an industrial scale. 
  3. Network attack:  The hostile actors use malware or malicious software to damage or disrupt IT infrastructure. This can take the shape of making the website offline or manipulating command & control systems. This is called Computer Network Attack (CNA).
Also Read:   Skills You Need to Succeed in Cybersecurity

Major Cyber Threats Encountered by Organizations in 2020

  • Cloud Vulnerability
  • AI-driven Cyber-threats
  • AI-based Fuzzing
  • Social Engineering Attacks
  • Machine Learning Poisoning
  • Smart Contract Hacking
  • Deepfake

There are several important aspects of cyber security. Find the following details: 

  • The global Information security market is estimated to reach $170.5 billion by 2022. 
  • Almost 65% of businesses experience phishing and social engineering crimes
  • 70% of business owners and industry leaders feel that their cyber security threats are on the rise. 
  • Only 6% of company folders are adequately protected 
  • Data breaches exposed almost 4.2 billion records in early 2019. 
  • 70% of all breaches are directed at finance and 25% are for espionage.  


  • of all breaches involve hacking, 28% that of malware, and 30% involve phishing and social engineering attacks 
  • From 2005-18, there are 8,854 recorded breaches
  • Though ransomware infections went down by 52%, enterprise infections went up by 12%.
  • The leading email attachment types include .doc and .dot which amounts to 37% and the next is .exe that figure stands at 19.5%. 
  • There would be an estimated 300 billion passwords for humans & machines worldwide by 2020.