Keep Active
Whether you don’t have the time to go to the gym, the money, or you’re still in lockdown, you still need to keep fit and active. Being sedentary can have some detrimental affects on health physically and mentally, so it’s in our best interest to workout whenever and wherever we can.
Home workouts can be a drag so we need to be more experimental to keep them fresh, enjoyable but at the same time challenging. A good way to keep on track with your workouts is to have a plan written out. This can be as simple as writing a specific time each day to allow for a 30/45 minute workout. If it is written down, and you have something to follow, you are far more likely to adhere and commit to getting it done. You can also visit for ryderwear pocket leggings.
Motivation can come in many shapes and forms, and it’s all individual. Here’s just a few tips that could help you get motivated to smash your workout…
Listen to music.
Something as simple as listening to some upbeat music can really get you fired up for a workout. Studies have shown music can help to release dopamine, a chemical which influences your mood and the feel good factor
Pre workout
This can come in the form of coffee , or a pre workout stimulant. We all know caffeine can boost alertness and energy, so this can really help get you into the right mindset for a workout. It is important to know you should not rely on caffeine for each workout to get you into the mood. Only use it when you feel you really need it.
Gym Wear
Getting dressed into your workout gear in itself can give you that boost to want to be active. Gym wear for men & women have a certain feel good factor about them, getting into your legging, jogger, vest or gym t-shirt puts you in the right mindset to want to workout.
Watching a motivational video on YouTube can get you pumped to workout Just make sure you don’t fall into a rabbit whole and spend the rest of your evening watching videos.
Right you’re now ready to give this workout a go so let’s get into it.
EXERCISE 1. Squat Pulses : 3 sets of 12 reps.
Teaching points :
1. Standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
2. Place your hands on your chest having your arms in an X, or straight out in front of you, depending on your balance.
3. With your chest up, neutral spine, and head up, bend your knees and hips all the way slightly
past 90 degrees so you’re in a sitting position.
4. Instead of squatting all the way back up, go half way up, come back down to your sitting squat position and then explode back to a standing position all in one quick motion.
Muscles worked : Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves.
EXERCISE 2. Jumping lunge or reverse lunge : 3 sets of 10 reps each side.
Teaching points:
For the jumping lunge, stand with feet shoulder width apart, step one foot forward into a lunge. Keeping your front leg at 90 degrees. From there, explode up quickly while switching your feet in the air. Control your landing safely and repeat the process. The jumping lunge is for the more advanced and adds a balance and cardiovascular aspect to it.
The the reverse lunge, stand with feet shoulder with apart, step your left foot back into a lunge while keeping your right foot flat on the floor. Try make sure both legs (knees) are at 90 degrees while at the bottom on the lunge. Keep your chest up, head up with back straight and stand back up. Repeat the process for opposite leg.
Muscles worked : Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, hip flexors.
EXERCISE 3. Step ups : 3 sets of 15 on each leg
Teaching points:
1. Use either your stairs, a bench, or a sturdy box.
2. Step up onto the platform with your right leg, push up with your right leg by contracting your glutes, hamstrings and quads bringing your left leg onto the platform.
3. Step back down with left leg and repeat the process. Ensure you maintain form throughout with chest up and back straight.
Muscles worked : Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, hip flexors.
EXERCISE 4. Body weight single leg Deadlifts : 3 sets of 12 reps each leg
Teaching points:
Start with legs together. Flex your hip on your left leg, while reaching your arms out in front of you and push your right leg back. Bend your left leg to 45 degrees. Reaching your arms out while at the same time pushing your right leg straight back behind you will give a counterbalance. Focus on squeezing your glutes to bring right leg back and up. Return to starting position and repeat.
Muscles worked : Glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves.
EXERCISE 5. Calf raises : 3 sets up 15 reps
Teaching points:
Stand with feet slightly apart. Raise your heels off the floor until you are on your top toes. At the top of the movement, squeeze your calves for a second before lowering your heels slowly under control. Repeat the process.
Muscles worked : Calves.
There you have it, give this workout a try on your next leg day and you will be feeling worked I promise you. Remember to keep correct form at all times and if you feel your form slipping, it’s best to stop. Quality over quantity. The reps are just a guide, you may want to adjust them to your own fitness & strength level.