Best Website For Technology News From Indonesia

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The world of technology is indeed growing very rapidly and even has reached a speed that is fairly very fast. From these developments, there are many emerging technology blogs with various languages. This is certainly very useful for us, with the presence of the site makes it easy for us to find information about technology without having to buy newspapers or tabloids.

We can see directly by just opening the site on mobile. Especially for students who usually need references to make a thesis, here is the use of the most functional technology blog. But you should know that not all sites on the internet have good quality, so I signed up for Best Website For Technology News for you.


Androidtechnews is the leading online news portal site in Indonesia and latest technology news,hardware, android and gaming. Why because this site is so easy to access and also Mobile Friendly and the news presented is also fairly complete. This is a trusted best website for technology news.

 Tempo Tekno

Tempo is the leading online news portal site in Indonesia and this portal site also discusses technology that is located at, why because this site is so easy to access and also Mobile Friendly and the news presented is also fairly complete. This is a trusted best website for technology news.

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Okezone Techno

The site is indeed very interesting to see, the appearance of its design is very full graphics and the news it presents is also fairly up-to-date with a lot of topics discussed by this site, and one of the topics discussed is about technology. The site, which is located at, is indeed quite complex when discussing everything related to technology, there are various kinds of things discussed such as laptops, smartphones, and other things related to technology.

Detik inet is one of the online news portals in Indonesia with many topics discussed starting from automotive, entertainment, politics, and of course topics about technology. This site is located in, which is indeed complete in terms of presenting news about technology and in terms of speed of opening this site is fairly fast either through the desktop or via cellphone.

Dunia Teknologi

DuniaTeknologi.Info is one of the online news portals that specifically discusses everything related to technology, gadget, game, & drone. Something that makes this site very interesting to discuss is the grammar it presents is very easy to understand by various groups, so it makes people comfortable reading this site. and in terms of the speed of opening this site both through desktop and cellphone is fairly fast. It is not surprising that many say that this is the best website for technology news. If you need a reference to make a paper, then this one technology site will be able to help you.

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Kompas Tekno is one of the leading online news portals in Indonesia and is the brother of Kompas TV. This site also presents news about technology, and why I put this site in the first position as a news portal site about the best technology is that the news is very up-to-date and in terms of speed in opening the site to open the mobile version very quickly, but for the desktop version it is a pity to say it’s slow.

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