Benefits Of A Mommy Makeover


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Mommy makeover refers to a combination of procedures that are meant to make women regain their pre-pregnancy bodies. It is a form of treatment that entails enhancing the breasts and midsection and may also involve other parts of the body. So, why is it a good idea for you as a woman to consider a mommy makeover? Here are the major reasons why:

1. It Will Help You Have a Flat Midsection 

Pregnancy makes a woman’s abdominal muscles lose. This together with fluctuating weight will make her feel less than they felt before their pregnancy. If you manage to regain your pre-pregnancy weight, it will be hard for you to wear your bikini to your beach party because of loose muscles and flabby skin associated with the postpartum period.

A tummy tuck is an important thing in a mommy makeover as it effectively gives your midsection a lean, flatter look by removing loose skin and tightening abdominal muscles. During this surgical procedure, an incision will be made from hip to hip. It will be placed carefully within the bikini line so that you don’t worry about it being seen when you wear your bikini. The results of this procedure can be dramatic and long-lasting provided you maintain a healthy weight after the surgery.

2. Make Your Breasts Regain Their Pre-Pregnancy Shape 

Pregnancy and breastfeeding usually cause breast sagginess. Your breasts will droop and sag and lose their fullness. This can impact your appearance and confidence and is perhaps the major reason why breast enhancement is usually the second piece of the mommy makeover puzzle. A South Bay breast implant business will make your sagging breasts regain their youthful position on your chest. 

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During this procedure, incisions will be made around the areola, down the lower half of the breast, and across the breast crease if necessary. Most of the scarring that may be visible after a breast lift will be hidden in the pigmentation of the areola or within the natural breast crease.

Synthetic implants that suit your body shape will make deflated breasts regain their shape. And the good thing is that there is a wide variety of implant sizes and styles to choose from meaning that you are sure to get implants that will suit your needs. Breast implants are usually a long-lasting solution to breasts that are too small. Most of these implants last for 10 years or longer meaning that you will enjoy the benefits they offer for a long period.

3. Get Rid Of Those Bulges of Fat on Your Body 

Removing isolated bulges of fat that appear on different parts of your body after childbirth requires more than crunches and counting calories. To fully remove these bulges of fat, consider body sculpting through liposuction. This procedure can help you fully eliminate fat deposits on almost any area of the body where pockets of fats interfere with your body contour.

A small tube known as a cannula is used to perform liposuction. This procedure involves inserting the cannula into the fat deposit through a very tiny incision. The cannula will then loosen the fat cells and suctions them gently to make the body contour in the affected area smooth. Liposuction is a permanent body sculpting method provided the person who undergoes the procedure maintains a healthy weight after the surgery.

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4. Restore Your Youthful Face 

While a mommy makeover focuses on the body, some women see this as a good time to restore their youthful face while doing their body enhancements. They may choose injectable treatments like dermal fillers or Botox to make fine lines and wrinkles smooth and restore their youthful face including in areas like the jawline and cheeks. You may choose to have facial procedures performed together with or after your mommy makeover. 

5. One Procedure, Many Benefits 

One of the major benefits of a mommy makeover is the fact that it can combine plastic surgery procedures into one surgical session. What this means is that you will only need one time under anesthesia and one recovery period. This may be ideal for busy moms of kids as it means that they will only schedule one recovery period. Besides, one time under anesthesia reduces the risks of going under the medication.

Combining your procedures is also cheaper than having them performed separately. This is because it saves money on costs like anesthesiologist fees, facility use, and medication. Also, when you recover from the procedure, you can enjoy the results that different procedures have to offer without waiting to recover for another procedure to be performed. This is because the procedures will be performed once and you will only recover once.

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6. Psychological Benefits Move You Forward 

A mommy makeover offers not only physical benefits but psychological benefits too. Women who undergo a mommy makeover are more confident as they feel good about their bodies as there are no more post-pregnancy worries after the procedure.  You will stop wishing for a body in good shape and have one. So, if you have given birth and you want to get your pre-pregnancy body back, consider a mommy makeover for the best results.

Studies have shown that weight gained during pregnancy can negatively affect a woman in many ways including loss of sex drive and depression. So, by helping a woman regain her pre-pregnancy body, a mommy makeover reverses the psychological concerns that we just mentioned.