Bathroom Cleaning: Tips You Didn’t Know You Needed.


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If there’s one room in the house that homeowners dread cleaning the most, it’s the bathroom. Whether that’s because it takes that little bit of extra time to clean, or solely because it seems to get dirty the minute you put the cleaning products back in the cupboard. However, as the bathroom is one of the most shared and used rooms in the home, it’s vital that its hygiene is up to par- and you have to admit that the lime-scale free taps and pristine shower can feel quite satisfying once you’re done. Cleaning the bathroom doesn’t have to be as labor-intensive as you may think, and here at We Buy Any House we have compiled our best bathroom cleaning tips.

  1. Remove All Items:

To get the best results from your cleaning, it’s a good idea to start by removing all items from the bathroom. If you’re going to do a deep clean, then its important to empty everything, from shower items to the interior of the cupboards. This will allow you to clean all areas thoroughly. However, if you’ve only got time for a quick clean, then it’s a good idea to remove the items that are visible.

  1. Cleaning Your Shower with Vinegar:
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You may be weary simply due to the smell but using white vinegar to clean your shower will offer you the best results. White vinegar is something most homeowners have access to, as it’s a kitchen staple. In terms of cleaning your shower with it, the process is very easy. Simply heat the vinegar up in the microwave and spray it on the shower whilst it is hot. If the smell is too much for you to handle, you can add a drop of dish soap- and this can also help to get rid of the grime.

  1. Mold Stains and Baking Soda:

If you’ve lived in your home for a pretty long time and haven’t managed to keep up with the detailed cleaning (don’t worry, it happens to the best of us!), then baking soda is your best friend. If bleach won’t remove the mold from silicone, then apply a paste of baking soda and water. Cover the areas you wish to clean and allow it to sit for three to four hours before wiping off.

  1. Baking Soda and Vinegar to Clean Drains:

If there’s hair constantly getting stuck down your drain, or your drain is emitting an unpleasant odor, we’ve got a simple solution to fix it. Simply mix baking soda and vinegar, pour it down the drain and watch the magic happen. The combination of baking soda and vinegar can help break down congealed grease in the drain due to the chemical reaction the ingredients have. After an hour or so, flush the drain out with hot water.

  1. Using Dryer Sheets:
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Who knew that dryer sheets were multi-functional? If you want to get rid of soap sum in your bathroom, then dryer sheets are the perfect solution. Add a few drops of water to the sheet, and gently rub the area where the soap scum is. Rinse the residue and watch how the area is gleaming!

  1. Using a Squeegee?

Do you ever find that as much as you clean the glass surfaces in your bathroom, they are never truly free of lines and smears? – or that you’re just wiping the product around the glass aimlessly. A quick hack to get around that is to use a squeegee to clean. If your usual glass cleaner isn’t cutting it, then using a squeegee to clean windows, mirrors and shower doors is an effective way to ensure that all areas are free of water marks. Using a snake like motion, sweep the squeegee across the surface to get the best results.