Advantages and Disadvantages of Podcasting


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Business podcasts may take several forms, such as a presentation to potential clients or an announcement to staff about a new policy. They all have one thing in common: they’re audio or video files that you upload to the Internet. Anyone who wants to see or hear them can listen to or watch them by streaming the files or downloading them to a device, tablet, or video player.

Convenience: advantage.

One of the advantages of podcasts is that you don’t have to think about your listeners being distracted when you’re making your pitch. The file can be downloaded or streamed, and the listener can listen to it whenever he wants, including when jogging or commuting to work. 

If anyone wishes to subscribe to your podcast feed, he will immediately download any podcasts that pique his interest. Podcasting is much better than trying to bring everyone together for a single meeting if you want all of your staff to hear what you have to say.

Accessibility: disadvantage.

If you want to reach out to people who don’t have Internet access, podcasting isn’t the way to go. Podcasts, especially video podcasts, are often large files, making them difficult to access for someone with a poor Internet connection, according to the University of Minnesota Duluth. 

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If you want to make an audio podcast accessible to a hearing-impaired user or someone who doesn’t have a compatible player, you’ll also need to convert the content into a written transcript. However, as the popularity of podcasts increases, accessibility concerns become less of a problem.

Easy: Advantage:

Making a podcast is a relatively easy process. Everything you’ll need is a computer or smartphone, recording software, phone mount, and an Internet connection to upload your presentation. 

If you want to reach a large audience, there are a number of websites that offer podcasts for download, including iTunes. You can purchase software packages that allow you to edit podcasts, add sound effects, and save previous podcasts for later use. Editing your podcast increases the consistency of the final product, but it takes more time.

Loss of Control: disadvantage.

Podcasts, like any other multimedia format, are simple to distribute. If you use another person’s copyrighted material in your podcast. You must take precautions to prevent unauthorised copying and file sharing. 

If you’re cool with your proprietary material being passed around, the same issue arises when it’s your own copyrighted material. If your employee podcast contains sensitive company information. Anyone who listens to it has access to information about your company that you’d rather keep private. Read More : Onionplay

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Identifying a Market

One of the most difficult aspects of creating a podcast, according to Business Knowledge Source, is seeking an audience. Unlike newspaper or pay-per-click advertising, michael tell patty duke says that you won’t be able to profit from the traffic that someone else has generated. 

To get your podcast heard, you’ll need a solid marketing plan. As a mirror benefit, consumers can listen to podcasts in areas. Where the internet or print advertisement is difficult to access, such as while driving or running.