What are double and single opt-in?

Tips & Tricks

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As we already know, SMS marketing content can only be sent with the recipient’s prior permission. Otherwise, the sender has all chances to be applied tangible penalties. The first thing that must be arranged, before  sending bulk SMS online, is to collect a reasonable list of subscribers. However, penalties may be imposed even with the consent of the subscriber, for example, in the case of his wrong registration.

The first problem is a test of the subscriber’s phone. Symbolically, we can ask for the probable subscriber’s identity card and his contract with the service provider, but, undoubtedly, the number of those who will arrange it will be extremely small. Naturally, we can trust the subscriber on the text, assuming that he entered a) the telephone number, b) the correct telephone number and c) just a personal telephone number. This method is called a one-time connection. Contacts are converted into subscribers, as soon as they send the number – the certificate is not required.

The method of double registration includes an auxiliary step: the company asks the customer to send the word “YES”, or another certain main text in a shortcode to prove their desire to participate in a cyclic messaging program. Authorization by SMS still can be completed by sending a one-time password to the phone, and the subscriber must declare it to the operator. In these factors, the person addresses the subscriber and receives a word of proof with a greeting and a thank you. Until this stage, their registration status based on these contacts remains “unconfirmed. Thus, the main difference between these 2 processes is considered a certificate.

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Image Source: https://bsg.world/ 

SMS registration process – single or double

The only way to register is considered to be quick and usual. There are several methods to add a person to the text list. First – first, the contact can fill out a web registration form. Here, it is fundamental to find out the status of mobile number portability (MNP) in line with the usual check of the fields. The numbers entered have all chances to be decidedly not phone numbers, non-existent numbers, they have all chances to belong to other people (mistaken or deliberately wrong entry). While MNP information can help maintain a clean database, correctly route messages, and predetermine their final value.

The initial registration unanimity still can come via SMS message with the main text, flag, or also via printed form, for example, directly at the exhibition or at the cash desk. These are all common methods to quickly increase audience and sales. But the risk of getting fined if the phone number does not belong to the subscriber who filled out the registration form is quite high. A great advantage of double registration in the SMS-marketing is considered peace of mind: you do not doubt that the recipient’s phone number is valid and actively used and that they are eagerly awaiting your signal. Below are the luggage, which goes by foot to connect to the registration form:

  • A rundown of what you will send and how often; for example, a marketing ad, or a targeted appeal, or an extension of the topic you want to get more information..;
  • References to circumstances and provisions, and also to the privacy politician;
  • Guidance on how to disown (at least monthly);
  • Judiciously offer a catalyst: a gift, a discount, or a lead magnet.
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Double registration is not predetermined to quickly build up the list of contacts. But it is invaluable for firms that suffer from the low rates disclosed or the infrequent notification of debris. Another reason firms resort to the dual registration process is thought to be the regulation of their market area or the state. Some parts of the dual choice in the law deserve our greater interest.

Is dual SMS registration considered mandatory?

Advertisers who do not use any option have all chances to be in big trouble. TCPA (Telephone Consumer Protection Act) and a separate regulation in California, USA, the Canadian anti-trash legislation (CASL), the criteria of the Federal Trade Commission, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe – all of them impose heavy fines, reaching up to $ 1500 per the notice, if the tribunal finds that the company failed to comply with it, ie bypassing on purpose a single registration for its likely recipient.

These organizations, like the FCC and CTIA, strongly request “prior written consent” to send every cyclic toll word. This implies the need for documented (in what amount of digital) evidence to prove the recipient’s explicit permission to send them. In consequence, it is quite sensible to ask them to prove it twice. Actually, as for the double registration, the GDPR does not show it as an indispensable request. Neither does the TCPA. However, the fact is that the burden of proving that the customer gave unanimity, puts a heavy burden on the brand. So, the firm must prove that by planting a flag, filling out a form, or sending a text message with a brief code, a person knew that he takes part in a program of messaging. This is a digital fingerprint that ensures that the subscriber has consciously signed up.

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Testing of the telephone number of the subscriber and his consent to the registration is ordinary and comfortable with the provider of global BSG SMS, which adequately foresees the national legislative nuances of the states and makes every effort to provide legal protection of the buyer. Result: but there is no serious legislation requiring advertisers to use a double registration device, in practice need to maintain a high-quality list of subscribers, get a specific chance to interact with the buyers, and prevent legal burdens.