The Ultimate Guide: How to Effectively Improve Indoor Air Quality in The Office

Tips & Tricks

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People who are constantly exposed to indoor air pollution are at high risk of suffering from various health problems, such as lung cancer, asthma, acute respiratory infections, allergic reactions, and skin irritation.  

If you want your office environment to always be healthy, ensuring that you deal with indoor air pollution is important. There are several ways to deal with air pollution at the office that can be done. Keep on reading to know some of the effective ways you can easily deal with indoor air pollution at the office.  

  1. No smoking policy

Cigarette smoke is the ultimate source of indoor air pollution. In addition, cigarette particles that stick to surfaces, such as working desks, office chairs, sofas, and other places, are inhaled – it can be harmful to your employee’s health.

Make sure that you create a nonsmoking office policy in the workplace. Thus the employees who are active smokers will try to find an open space to smoke and stay away from the employees who did not. This policy is really important if you want to effectively prevent indoor air pollution.

  1. Clean the office area regularly

Cleaning the office is an activity that cannot be ignored and must be carried out regularly. Cleanliness plays an important role in determining a comfortable and healthy work atmosphere. If the workspaces and desks look dirty and full of trash then this can be very bad for employee performance, and eventually will affect the company.

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To prevent this from happening, the company can do a couple of strategies to maintain the office condition. You can start by hiring an in-house janitorial team, or hire SG office cleaning services. Follow by creating some office-policy for all of the employees to follow, such as:

  • Clean the pantry after each usage
  • Put their trash in the garbage immediately
  • Clean up their private desks from cluttered and paper before going home
  • And so on…

Create policies that aim to ensure employees also pay attention and contribute to maintaining cleanliness in the work environment. Maintaining cleanliness in the office is the most important thing that can increase employee productivity, help create a positive atmosphere, and can make everyone in the office feel comfortable!

  1. Choose the right cleaning products

Various cleaning products at home, such as glass, floor, or toilet cleaners, contain harmful chemicals that can be left in the air when it is used.

As a way to deal with air pollution in the room due to the use of these cleaning products, pay attention to the packaging labels for each product you purchase. Choose cleaning products that are labeled organic, natural, or environmentally friendly so that all of the employees are free from toxic chemicals.

  1. Use furniture that is free of toxic chemicals
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If your office furniture is wood-based, especially composite wood, it usually uses a special glue that contains formaldehyde compounds to glue each part together. This compound is classified as dangerous and can spread in the air. If inhaled, formaldehyde from this furniture can cause health problems, such as bronchitis.

Thus ensuring that you choose furniture which does not use this kind of material is a great way to deal with air pollution. You can choose furniture made of solid wood, instead of purchasing the one made of composite wood.

  1. Make sure every room has good air ventilation

Without proper air ventilation, carbon monoxide gas levels in your office area can increase. This can come from the building materials, tap water, or gas cylinders. To overcome air pollution in the room due to this harmful gas, make sure your office has good ventilation, especially in the bathroom and pantry.  Windows and doors should also be easy to open so that air can flow in and out smoothly.

  1. Decor office area with indoor plantsĀ 

Several plants are known to be effective in cleaning the air and can be used as a way to deal with indoor air pollution. Dracaena, Spathiphyllum or peace lily, and Hedera helix or ivy leaves are the best choice for your office! It not only makes the air fresher but also adds a great touch to the office area. However, keep in mind that indoor plants must also be cared for properly so they don’t become a new place for mold growth and trigger allergic reactions.

  1. Install an air purifier with a HEPA filter
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Last but not least, the ultimate great strategy to deal with indoor air pollution in the office is by installing an air purifier that uses a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter. HEPA is a mechanical air filter that works by separating clean air from harmful particles, such as pollen, fleas, cigarette smoke, or mold. Air filters with HEPA are known to be able to remove 99% of harmful particles in the air.

Investing in purchasing an air purifier is the best thing you can do to keep your employees safe and healthy.

Indoor air quality should be one of the most important concerns in your workplace, as it can directly affect the health and well-being of all employees. These great solutions can be the key on how to prevent air pollution, thus, the office can be the ultimate healthy place for employees to be able to work productively and optimally.