7 Mobile SEO Mistakes You Should Stop Making

Digital Marketing

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There are a lot of elements on a website that make it working and reachable for the website users. These elements include the website design, structure, images, videos, animations, page speed, and whatnot. All these elements are aimed to provide a certain experience to the users. For ensuring a user has a better experience using a website, these elements are optimized. But it is very important that you must think of the platform while optimizing.

The platform may either be a web or a mobile phone. The developers and the SEO experts need to take mobile optimization as seriously as they take web optimization. Even if you take care of experiences for the mobile users’ certain mistakes lead to bad experiences for them. That is why it is important to avoid committing mistakes, leading to a bad experience for users accessing the website through their mobiles.

Keep reading this article till the very last point to understand which mobile optimization mistakes you should avoid making.

Top 7 mobile SEO mistakes that you must avoid

A huge number of audiences nowadays reach your website through their mobile phones. It is very important for websites to be mobile optimized so that the users accessing them through their mobiles face no problems accessing them. The experience a user gets while using a website through the web must be the same for mobile users. But unfortunately, some mistakes in mobile SEO lead to bad user experiences.

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Below are a few mistakes that you should avoid making while considering mobile SEO.

Missing content

The content that is visible on your website after accessing it through the web must also be visible for its mobile users. Not having similar content or missing content is big trouble. Search engines consider how a user sees your website while ranking your website. No matter how the user accesses your website,all the elements, especially the content, must be there. Apart from having content being available, it is equally important to have optimized content. Unoptimized content leads to bad page rankings; that is why most people hire SEO services company in Dubai to improve onsite SEO and optimize content.

Slow speed

The loading speed of a website needs to be higher without making the user wait. The next important thing is that the speed of a website to load on the web and on mobile must be the same. People optimizing the websites ignore the importance of loading speed for mobile phones while paying much attention to the loading speed on the web. The elements such as images on the website must be optimized so that they do not reduce the loading speed when accessed through cell phone.

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Improper redirects

Improper redirects are one of the biggest mobile optimization mistakes. When users accessing a website through their mobile phones often see page not found errors and leads to irrelevant pages, they soon leave your website. It is important to keep checking your website not to take the user to irrelevant pages or empty pages.

Use mobile keyword research

Keyword research is one of the important factors for increasing web traffic. Using these keywords, you can attract the targets you want to visit your website. Usually, people believe that the keyword for web users and mobile usersis the same. But the facts are opposite; your keywords will be different for the mobile users because they often use long-tail keywords to search. Or they either use the microphone or speak to conduct their searches.

Not having CTA’s

The buttons and input fields on your website must work perfectly when accessed through a mobile phone. Usually, people ignore such factors leading to bad page rankings; while conducting mobile optimization, you must make sure that there are several calls to action. The user must be able to perform certain actions in order to communicate or interact with the website.

Blocked image or video files

If the images and video on a website are reachable and clickable for web users, then it is a must that they are also reachable for mobile users. One of the biggest mobile optimization mistakes after missing content is the blocked files. You must make sure that the elements on your websites are playable and clickable for the users.

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Poor user experience

It is mandatory that the design and the structure of a website must be similar when operated through a mobile phone. If not, then it will result in a bad user experience. Along with the design, the credentials and other elements such as buttons should also work perfectly. It is important that for a good user experience, the website elements are big enough and visible. If the user experience is not good, then you cannot optimize your website. So, make sure you perform optimization well or hire an SEO company for this cause.

Avoid mistakes to increase web traffic!

Despite performing all SEO activities, you will still face problems like low website traffic. It is because the optimization for both the web and mobile users is not done properly. You must consider both types of website users when optimizing it because this way, you can get web traffic. Search engines highly consider such factors while indexing and ranking the website. So, make sure you avoid these mistakes and hire the experts to do the job for you.