7 Defining Reason on Why You Should Include Video Marketing

Digital Marketing

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It is incredible how powerful video marketing is already in the present market. Then too there is no shortcoming to the fact of newer and more influential Video Marketing trends growing in the years to come ahead. It is much expected for the use of video contents to only grow further in times to come. According to findings from recent studies is that approximate 82% of businesses found globally strongly believe that video marketing is a strong and essential part of their business strategy.  

It cannot be denied to fuel a good vibrant presence for any entity video marketing has a major role played out in achieving such. The proven and strategic manner video marketing aids out for any business is what is increasing the drive to raise the industry to excel this far. The most appropriate and effective use of video contents made via the advertisement for an enterprise. Animated Explainer Videos are indeed the correct implementation in the advertisement to introduce the product or service most attractively while being precise.

Now to cover the benefits of including video marketing as a part of your business regardless to which industry you may belong too.  The implication is crucial for business in the current era time simply because of the fact that everyone is engaging in it but because the digital marketing tools available are not just providing versatility but also profitable outcomes to your business. Below are the amazing 7 defining reasons why every entrepreneur should include Video Marketing (trending).

  1. Videos show amazing ROI (Return On Investment)
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Numerous big names from every industry when spoken to will surely confirm that 83% of them will state that videos are a great return on investment. Yes the indulgence in video marketing or production is not cheap nor an easy task to attain but it surely does pay off in return big time. Though it is been seen that that as the growth of video grow the video editing tools are consistently increasing and becoming relatively affordable. The video is too necessary to be perfect but it should be more object-oriented.

  • Videos have been proven to boost up Conversions & Sales

The engager needs to understand that an investment in the video would in return quite profitable. By simply adding a video to the homepage will land extensively by resulting in conversions to an increase of 80% of giant entities have gained extremely well irrespective of the category you deploy it in. Videos mostly directly lead to sales. Various researches have shown over 70% of the audience that is exposed to an Explainer Video of a product subsequently bought it. Making it is craft ideally to be crafted as soon as possible to attain the most for your business.

  • Mobile Users are also highly appealed by videos
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Complementing each other hand in hand it is remarkable on how videos and mobile users are able to be associated this well. It is a fact that about 90% of videos are watched/ viewed on cell phones. As via a smartphone, videos are viewed on the go and with cellular users growing extensively simultaneously also allowing the video audience to keep on growing larger per year. In relation, it is also gathered from a source of YouTube that each year mobile user consumption grows to 100% respectively. Due to the competitiveness, businesses have to present a better choice in video contents they provide to their consumer.

  • Videos helps to build trust amongst the audience

Trust is an important requirement to achieve higher conversions and sales. While building up a strong conversation rate is an individual aim every business should focus on separately but videos do cater to assist in better building sales. A good promotional video can grasp the audience in a manner where they show their interest in the product rather than the entity approaching to sell its product. There is wrong imagery in the market that promotional videos don’t contribute to building audience trust which most certainly isn’t true.   

  • Google loves Videos

Videos are an extraordinary medium that is used to increase the time of a user to spend on your site. On the overall, it impacts greatly since a longer exposure builds to better trust and also allows search engines to detect that your content has good content. Moovly provides a statistic that shows that you are most likely to show up first on the google rankings by having a video embedded to your website as the chances rise to 53 times of the possibility to occur. In the present time, it is a necessity to optimize the video on YouTube as well for SEO purposes. The increase in mobile video means that brands need to be sensitive to the personal experience they provide their viewers with.

  • Videos encourage Social Shares
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Every type of video contents is encouraged to be shared on social networks though new featuring videos are given much preference in comparison. Social networks such as Facebook. Instagram and Twitter have various adaptions to support video contents. Such as the characteristics that are shown in Facebook of Live Videos, Instagram providing a 60sec video placement as an Instagram Story or even Twitter has a likewise video publishing feature of Periscope. A true asset to remember when developing a video marketing content is to understand the audience available on the Social Network.  

  • Video Marketing is the best manner to explain everything

98 percent of the times users have said they were able to attain the knowledge on how to use products was from viewing an explainer video. It is an effective medium to use when launching a new service or product. Being the very reason why approximately 45% of businesses in surveys have confirmed using an explainer video or animation explainer video on the business home page. Producing effectiveness to over 80%. An animation video is a perfect mix of nostalgia, simplicity, and entertainment, and it works in the form of an animated explainer video.