6 Responsive Web Design Mistakes to Avoid Right Now

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Responsive web design has become one of the prime concerns among individuals looking forward to build a strong online presence. It’s ability to render a brilliant user experience has made it the number one choice of web designers who need to work on varied website design projects. Even though responsive web design seems to be a passing trend, it is being believed that it holds a great promise as long as it’s being adopted in the appropriate way. Nowadays, in the wake of delivering fully responsive websites/web applications, web designers get into the habit of committing some silly mistakes. This is a blog that will tell you everything about these 6 responsive web design mistakes that need to be avoided for better execution of web design projects.

Here are 6 Responsive Web Design Mistakes to Avoid Right Now

Mistake No.1-Hiding the web content

Hiding the web content

There’s no doubt on the fact that responsive design is incompetent in accommodating a good amount of content, but that simply doesn’t mean you need to hide the same. You should be experienced enough in re-arranging the content to fit the screen. It is recommended to get rid of the navigation menus for limiting the access to information that the mobile users have been looking for.

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Mistake No.2-Designing first for desktop and then for mobile

Designing first for desktop and then for mobile

A wide majority of web designers often make the mistake of designing first for the desktop and then for the mobile environment. You need to know that the mere translation of one design into another isn’t possible without a considerable loss of content. Hence, it’s better to first design for the mobile and then for the desktop. You must follow a set strategy for outlining the website structure and navigation, followed by prioritizing the content. This framework should then be built for both the desktop as well as mobile versions of the website.

Mistake No.3-Including Bloated Images

Playing with images is something that every responsive web designer loves doing. Whether it’s about optimizing the images for different screen sizes or adding retina-ready features to images, the designer needs to be very particular in ensuring the addition of perfect quality images. Bloated images can easily turn off the visitors and also interfere with the overall performance of the website. There are tons of tools that can aid you in combating all issues pertaining to the addition of images into the web designs. For instance, a user browsing your website via his/her iPad screen should see images of a different quality as compared to the person who’s checking out your website on his/her old/outdated smartphone.

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Mistake No.4-Not paying attention to the touch-screen feature of tablets/smartphones

Touch Screen

This is a common error made by both, novice as well as professional web designers. Even though these designers get successful in building a mobile-responsive website, they forget paying attention to other crucial aspects related to the touch-screen feature of hand-held gadgets. These web design professionals forget about re-sizing the buttons and clickable content in accordance to the size of a thumb. They tend to cram links close together, which results into making the visitor annoyed and frustrated.

Mistake No.5-Loading the website with too many resources

As per a recent research it has been found that an average website uses about 87 resources, which in total consume about 1.9MB of data. Well, a mobile-responsive website will probably consume a lot of time if it’d to load all the 87 resources. There are evidences which show that longer loading time has dire consequences on a website’s performance, with the conversion rate falling by 3.5% for each extra second that’s been consumed for loading the website. Hence, every web designer should ensure that each device which loads the website receives only the resources that are mandatory for loading the website. The designer can choose to compress the CSS and JavaScript resources with the help of handy tools.

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Mistake No.6-Postponing testing for the end

Testing, being a vital part of every web design process is something that is taken for granted by the web designers. The web designing professionals postpone testing of their designs for the last. They ignore the importance of facing and fixing the design issues prior to moving on to other sections within the website. This is something that must be taken care of well. It is highly crucial to arrange for the testing at a much earlier stage during the website designing process.


Now you know them all, the 6 mistakes which are commonly committed by web designers engaged in building fully responsive websites. If you too are one, then I’m sure this post would’ve turned as an eye-opener.

Author Bio.:- Priya is a Technical SEO at Hopinfirst, a leading mobile app development company which provide best ios app development and Android app development Services.