Credit cards make your life simpler by allowing you to pay bills, purchase goods and services on credit and give your purchasing power a big boost. To fulfil all your lifestyle needs, financial institutions offer you several types of credit cards across different segments. You can choose a type based on the benefits and rewards of the credit card and how closely they tie in with your lifestyle. For instance, if you love shopping, you can choose a credit card that offers discounts, cashbacks and rewards on your bill.
The SuperCard is a power-packed credit card with unique features. This card is versatile and gives you the power of a credit card, ATM card, loan card and EMI card rolled into one.
Read on to know about the different types of credit cards and choose the one that is the most suitable for your needs.
Business credit cards
One of the fastest ways to finance your business is through a business credit card. These are also known as corporate cards. They help you in controlling and monitoring your expenses and offer benefits such as business saving plans, insurance, travel deals, accommodation deals and a higher credit limit. This helps in keeping your business and personal transactions separate and makes managing your business’ everyday needs easy.
Balance transfer credit cards
If you have an existing outstanding credit card balance with a high interest rate, you can transfer it to another card at a low interest rate. Cards that allow you to do so are called balance transfer credit cards. Financial institutions typically charge a normal processing fee to carry out this transfer.
Fuel credit cards
With fuel charges constantly rising, knowing ways to subsidise the cost is key. Fuel credit cards do just this. They offer you discounts, cashbacks and a surcharge waiver when you pay for fuel. If you spend a huge amount of money on petrol or diesel, these credit cards are your best bet. Platinum Choice First-Year-Free SuperCard and Platinum Plus SuperCard by Bajaj Finserv are best credit card for fuel as they give you a fuel surcharge waiver option along with other benefits.
Secured credit cards
When you have a poor credit history or low credit score, you can avail a credit card by placing a deposit with your financial institution, such as a fixed deposit. This is what makes the credit card secure. Generally, the credit limit for these credit cards is equal to the amount of deposit you have made. Secured cards help in improving your credit score and eventually you can apply for an unsecured credit card.
Travel credit cards
In case you are a frequent business traveller or you love travelling, you can get a travel credit card to ease expenses. This card is equipped with various benefits such as free access to airport lounges, offers on accommodation, travel insurance, accelerated air miles and much more. When you are looking for airport lounge access, you can apply for credit card by Bajaj Finserv.
Now that you know about the variety of credit cards available in the market, pick the one that best suits your requirements. However, ensure that you conform to the credit card eligibility to get faster approval on your credit card application.
The Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard is one of the best credit cards in the market, so do explore its various benefits. You can get an instant approval with your pre-approved credit card offer from Bajaj Finserv and get a credit card in no time!