5 Amazing Movies That You Have to Watch During This Quarantine

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This year turned out pretty different than we all had planned for. So, in this scenario, I, in addition to trying to fulfill my goals as best as I could, watched movies, some of which genuinely just blew my mind. Do you have a Netflix subscription but do not have the faintest idea whether it’ll work on your Nintendo Switch? We have just the solution for you. Follow this link over here and learn how to get Netflix on Switch and more tech-related tips and tricks. Now that we’re done with your impending Netflix question, let’s have a look at the movies we watched during this quarantine. Here are some of the must-watch movies on our list.


Parimal falls in love with Sulekha, who idolizes her brother-in-law Raghavendra and marries her. However, after hearing excessive praise for her wife’s brother-in-law, Parimal develops an inferiority complex and decides to prove that he is equally intelligent.

So, he poses as his driver, an expert in, and lover of, Hindi language, as Raghavendra prefers. From here begins a comedic journey that is sure to leave anyone in splits. He assumes Pyare Mohan’s alias, a motor-mouth driver, and plays one prank after another, much to Raghavendra’s annoyance, Parimal’s pleasure, and our amusement.

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The entire drama unfolds and ends with Raghavendra admitting to being completely fooled.


Picking up after Rogue Nation, after Lane’s (Harris) capture, his organization goes haywire, reorganizing themselves as The Apostles, a terrorist group headed by unknown John Lark.

Assigned to purchase the extremely dangerous platinum cores, the transaction gets interrupted when Stickell gets abducted by The Apostles. In the ensuing scuffle, the cores get stolen by arms dealer Mitsopoulos. Hunt then infiltrates as Lark, shadowed by special operative Walker on instructions from the CIA director. They purposely ruin Lane’s extraction and are, eventually, betrayed by Walker, a member of The Apostles, who threatens Hunt to turn himself in or hurt his wife. Hunt and his team set off on the suicide mission to save the world.


Ted and Chuck, U.S. Marshall, travels to Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane to investigate the disappearance of Rachael, a patient who left behind a cryptic message.

A massive storm prevents the officers from leaving the hospital. But, finding the staff antagonistic somehow managed to interview the patients and staff, receiving no useful clues.

Ted gets suspicious of the goings-on around him, particularly about the lighthouse. He gets separated from Chuck on a trip there and believes him dead when he meets real Rachael, who tells him that she was a doctor there and was framed insanely as she started asking questions. She also reveals that this is a set-up to capture him. 

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 This psychological thriller is captivating and has stellar performances from everyone involved. It is a challenging and absorbing movie from start to finish. The obscure ending to the movie adds to the mystery and leaves the viewer questioning after watching the movie.


In 1947, a successful banker, Andy (Robbins), is sentenced to two life sentences for murdering his wife and her lover. Here is a reason why The Shawshank Redemption should be on everyone’s watchlist. 

While in prison, he befriends local smuggler Red (Freeman). Upon hearing Captain Hadley (Brown) complain about tax problems, Andy helps him with the money, which leads to him crippling the Sisters leader, who used to assault Andy.

In 1965, Williams was incarcerated for burglary. Andy helps him with his GED. He later reveals about a man claiming responsibility for murders Andy was convicted for. Andy was put in solitary confinement for bringing it up, and Williams was murdered. The prison drama is highly regarded as one of the best movies ever.


The film follows timeless warriors Andy, Brooker, Joe, and Nicky. Suspicious CIA operative Copley hires them for a second time, breaking their rules. Copley secretly works for Merrick, the pharmaceutical tycoon who plans to develop vaccines from their DNA to save humanity.

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Meanwhile, a U.S. Marine on the mission shows signs of being immortal and shares a dream with immortals, which alerts them of her presence, and Andy rescues her.

The group is ambushed by Merrick’s forces, with Nicky and Joe captured to be experimented upon. Andy takes Brooker and Freeman to free them from Merrick, discovering that Andy has lost her powers. Freeman realizes Brooker’s treason later and rescues her teammates, with help from Copley, who recognizes Merrick’s evil nature.