3 Ways to enhance your essay writing skills


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If you’re willing to improve your essay writing skills, you’ve come to the right place.
Many students struggle when writing an essay and because of that they try to cheat their way out of it. 

There is no need to do that, here you will find the best possible ways to improve your essay writing skills.

Essay writing can be very challenging if you don’t have a clue about what to write. It can be a dreaded task for high school students especially if they’re not so good at writing. 

Writing is all about conveying your message to the people who read your stuff which is your audience. It’s a skill every person should develop as it helps you in many parts of your life such as when writing a scholarship essay or a college admission essay.

You’ll have to know your language very well in order to become a good writer. Once you have done that, your vocabulary will expand and you’ll know many more ways on how to convey your message to your audience. 

Good vocabulary and grammar are what attract people to your content more often than not.

Here are some ways with which you can enhance your essay writing skills;

1. Read other essays

You can search online for things like https://www.wowessays.com/ for essay examples, this will give you some pointers on how to draft an essay and then how to execute the draft. 

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You can ask your friends and teachers in school if they have any essays for you to read, you can note what you like about them and then try to use it in your own essay.

2. Expand your vocabulary

Start reading books and novels, it’ll help you expand your vocabulary. Larger vocabulary will help you form the correct sentences with the correct use of words. This makes your essay look more professional and neater.

A good vocabulary is essential when trying to express yourself. You can keep a thesaurus by yourself and learn new words from time to time. 

Form sentences when you learn a new word. Make this a habit and it will help you expand your vocabulary in no time.

Start reading your local newspapers, it contains a section with a bunch of articles and essays in it. They are written by professional writers who are experts at writing with a very large vocabulary. 
So, read that section of the newspaper very carefully and identify what mistakes you make and how you can improve. Get into the habit of reading them daily so you can actually improve your essay writing.

3. Use an editing tool when writing

Get an editing tool for writing, it’ll help you identify the mistakes you make while writing. It’s a very effective tool, it makes your writing look very professional as it will identify every single grammar mistake.

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You will need this when writing online whereas if you’re writing on paper, you can ask your family and friends to proofread it for you. You can even ask your teachers to proofread and check it for you. They are much more experienced than you when it comes to academic writing.