3 Best Email Marketing Strategies to boost your sales

Digital Marketing

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For businesses of all sizes, email is one of the most effective ways of direct and free communication with their customers or prospects. Email marketing tools do not only help in converting prospects to customers, but it also has the potential to convert your customers into your loyal fans. 

According to McKinsey, email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Twitter and Facebook. The average ROI(Return on Investment) for email marketing is more than 3500%, which makes it one of the best marketing channels. This means, for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect a return of more than $35. 

For a successful email marketing campaign, you need to adopt certain strategies. Email marketing is not just about sending spam emails to your customers and expecting your sales to go up. Successful campaigns require proper planning and implementation. 

In this guide, we will share with you the 3 best email marketing strategies to boost your sales. 

Send personalized emails 

People love it when you make them feel special. You can make your customers feel special too; by sending personalized messages. When creating an email campaign, try to personalize it in every aspect you can. 

According to research, emails with personalization optimization can generate $20 for every $1 spent.

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Try to use your customer data and the power of email marketing tools to create personalized emails. Include their names in the greetings, or even better, try to include their name in the subject line. This can drastically improve your email open rates. 

Optimize for mobile users 

Research revealed that in 2019, almost 50% of all email opens were from mobile devices. This number is only going to grow. These statistics show the importance of mobile users. To fully utilize their potential, you need to have an optimized email campaign that looks good both on desktop as well as mobile devices.

Screen dimensions of a mobile phone screen and a desktop are different, and so are the preferences of their users. If you send emails that you created for desktop users, to mobile users, they are most probably gonna unsubscribe. You will be losing out on a lot of subscribers if you do not optimize for mobile. 

Create campaigns that are responsive and look good on all devices. Your approach should be ‘mobile-first. 

Test your designs and content 

The first email campaign that you created, should not be the last one. For a successful email marketing campaign, it is essential that you test a few alternative designs, copy, and buttons. When it comes to testing your email campaigns, it is necessary that you use the right tool for monitoring the performance of your campaigns. Here’s a guide that will help you know what top marketers want from an email template builderAlso Read:   10-Minutes Funnel Vs. ClickFunnels

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The key to a block-buster email marketing campaign that will have the potential to skyrocket your skills is that you keep it personalized, simple and keep evolving it. Remember, this is an ever-changing game, and you need to be always open to change.